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Bill Hillman's

Issue 576
A FanFare Feature
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ERBzin-e 576m

Mike Conran and Johnny Sheffield in the Book RoomMike Conran

Click on each photo to see larger, more detailed images
14. Look towards the entrance of Mike's bookroom.  (Tony Menagazzo is in shorts to the right and Fred Causy far right.)
1. Bill Ross under the Target Tarzan display
Looking towards the entrance of Mike's bookroom. 
(Don McComb at left, Tony Menagazzo is in shorts to the right and Fred Causy far right.)
Bill Ross under the Target Tarzan display. 
Tarzan's arm and alligators mouth move. 
There are two more panels to the display.
2. McClurg Cave Girl printing plate ~ Foulds Figures ~ Tea Pot ~ Hormel Tarzan Theatre
3. Wall of Tarzan Toys
Items of note in the glass display case:
Top shelf:
Original McClurg printing plate for Cave Girl
Shelves below:
Foulds figures & Tarzan tea pot. 
Hormel Tarzan Theater  to the left of the Foulds
Wall of Tarzan Toys
~ minimal Disney items ~
most from the '50s
through '90s
4. Gil Kane ~ Neal Adams ~ Trading Cards ~ Reference Books
5. Paperback book editions
Left: Original Gil Kane artwork 
Right: Hand-colored Neal Adams print 
Trading card boxes with ERB art, reference books, etc
Paperback book editions, 
including different printings of the same book.
6. Comic strip art - Ameron, WWII editions, German, editions - English videos -  Bomba collection
8. Toys and memorabilia from '20s to '90s
Original comic strip artwork
Case: Ameron editions ~ WWII editions (with variants)
~ German hardbound editions ~ English videos
Left: Bomba book collection 
Display case with toys and BLB giveaways 
Lots of neat stuff  from the '20s to '90s.
7. Foreign, Canaveral, G&D editions - original art - Thark, Dark Horse and plaster Tarzan statues - Jusko art
9. L. 1st Editions ~ C. Foreign ~ R. BLB, Whitmans ~ Moore Princess ~ Greystoke Thark
Left: Foreign hardbound editions. 
Center: Canaveral (variants - 2 shelves) 
Shelf 3: G&D Boys & Girls books with refs. below  Right: G&D editions with several variants of each book  Above: Original art ~ Dark Horse Tarzan statue ~ Thark statue ~ 1975 Tarzan plaster cast statue ~
Joe Jusko limited edition print & original art 
Left Case: First edition books 
Center Case: Foreign editions. 
Right Case: BLBs, Whitman editions, etc.
On Left Case: Clayborn Moore PRINCESS statue
On Centre: Limited edition Thark
(Greystoke ECOF) 
10. Pulps and Assorted Treasures
11. UK eds. ~ Art: Monster Men, Powers, Krenkel oil
Pulp bookcase, stuffed with ERB pulps
Lots of neat stuff on the book shelves in front of the pulps
Bookcase: English editions of ERB books
Original art: Monster Men (ace Books) ~ Richard Powers paintings for Tarzan and the Lost Empire, Tarzan the Terrible, Tarzan and the Lion Man (Ballantine Books) ~ RGK oil preliminary for Wizard of Venus
12. Autographed movie stills behind Mike's desk.
13. Autographed movie stills on the side of Mike's desk.
Autographed movie stills behind Mike's desk.
Autographed movie stills on the side of Mike's desk.
Mike Conran: ERB News Dateline
Mike Conran
19990 Pine Grove Drive
Jenison, MI   49428
$16 for four issues
$20 Overseas

Captions and Commentary by Mike Conran
Photos courtesy of  Rob Greer
ERB Sites Hosted by Rob:
The Official Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Site
The Burroughs Bulletin Online

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