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The Official Crazed Elijah Wood Fan Homepage

February 4th, 2003- Elijah's birthday turned out to be one of the most horrible days I have had in quite a whil. I had a poo day at school then at work that night I discovered something about Elijah that has caused my feelings to waver concerning him. I found that he smokes. I can't stand smokers and anyone who does it has something wrong with their brains in my opinion. I still think he is the hottest man that walks this earth, I just could never be more than his friend now. Maybe someday he'll wise up, realize he's killing himself, and quit like Orlando Bloom. Well, that's enough for today. I have had absolutely no free time to write the extensive research paper I was planning for dear Elijah. Someday. Well, until the next time I have a spare moment to dedicate to my dear Elijah, aurevoir!

January 27th, 2003- Tomorrow is Elijah's birthday! he will be 22 years old! I can't believe it. For two months and one day he will be five years my senior. That is a huge expanse of time! I spent this evening making cupcakes in honor of his birthday. They have E's on them made from sprinkles. I also added to my shrine and have already planned an outfit. In honor of the grand event I have written in elvish on my arm, so that everytime I look down I will instantly remember the glorious event, like I could forget. I have to be sure to wear long sleeves tomorrow so that my parents will not see my temporary tattoo.

The other day I went to the store and to my amazement, I found Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter valentine cards! Needless to say I bought a box of each. I was tempted to buy every last one of the LOTR ones so that no one would be able to purchase MY elijah's glorious physiognomy. But alas, I am poor and cannot afford such extremeties.

I have not had the chance to update lately because I have been enthralled in adding new things to my other site. I must go now because it is drawing late. I will try to be prompt in reporting my activities on what should be declared a national holiday.

One last thing, I am very upset that I live in such a teeny town! Try Seventeen will not be released anywhere near here. I checked theatres over a hundred miles away, because i would be willing to drive that far to see my dear Elijah!!! I really must be going now. I have much sleeping to do. Until next time.

January 1st, 2003- Happy New Year! everyone! Yes I also know what this means. Only 28 days until Elijah's birthday. He will be 22. I spent the past couple days in an Elijah state of mind. I went to a store I am scared to go into just so I could find the Two Towers poster with him on it. I was successful in purchasing the last one and it is now proudly diplayed on my bedroom wall. It is the first Elijah thing to leave the confines of my closet shrine. I will display images of my shrine as soon as my scanner is once again in operation. It is very large. Also I got an LOTR magazine filled with pictures of the glorious Mr. Wood. Last night I watched Deep Impact for about the zillionth time. My dear friend kept flashing her eyes at my Elijah and it was tense there for a moment until she reminded me that she is fully devoted to Orlando Bloom. This evening I went and picked up my film from the eighteenth of December. Yes it is the film containing pictures of me and my friends dressed up as the characters from LOTR when we went to the midnight premiere! They turned out very well. I haven't heard much big Elijah news lately except that he's going to be starring in a movie with Jim Carey and Kirsten Dunst. I don't remember what it's called. I will go do some Elijah research now.

December 27th, 2002- Today I am starting this glorious website. I need some way to vent all of my energy when it comes to Elijah Wood and Lord of the Rings. My family has started to sigh every time I mention it because they do not understand that it is one of my favorite things in the world! I am dedicating this site to Elijah, who, though I have never met him or even seen the real him, has inspired me.

I would like to start out be saying that Elijah Wood is the single hottest man alive. This will mainly be a news page. Below is a biographical Elijah page that, when I have time to fully research the glorious man, will become very full.

As of right now I have seen LOTR 2 twice and I am going to see it again tomorrow! I can't wait. Bye!

Vote for me in My Great Top Site

Elijah Biography
Aerin's Other Hottie Picks
this is a link to an elijah site that is rather good, i commend it.
Another of my Elijah sites