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First of all...the football game against CSU (we got completely blind and had a great time anyway!)

Erik, me, and Josh outside the stadium


The game... notice the darker green patches on the field. The day before the game, some UW fans broke into the stadium

and wrote "U W" in some sort of acid on the field and burned the they had to paint it green again. hehehe




First of have to understand that Norwegians think that halloween means 'dress up like a chick'

So the night started with having to do a lot of nasty make-up.


Katrina and I (she was a cowboy/sheriff or something, I was a sexy pirate, sort of)

My friend Josh was a Mormon. (notice the book of Mormon in his pocket). And to clarify something, his name tag said:
"Hi, my name is Josh, I'm from the LDS church and

My Mission is to TAKE YOU HOME."


We had orange jello-shooters which got everyone pretty messed up.

Someone let two Psychiatric patients out. (Erik and Nick) yes...they wore those to the pub...and most of the time they were falling off)



Katrina and Stig


Mats and Stig


Ben (a pimp or something), Mats, me, Josh, and Katrina:


Sexy Norwegian Ladies: (Stig, Mats, and Einar)


Drink UP!




Einer really started to love everyone that night (especially Mats):

(erik was also very loving...notive the cork he attached to his hospital gown)



Stig fell asleep at the pub:

Boys should NOT be allowed to wear dresses:


Einer is usually very studious... and NEVER smokes ... so this pic is priceless:

(notice the parrot...he stayed with me alllllll night. :)