Let's All at Least Pretend to Care About the Environment!

So maybe you think humans can't impact the earth because it is so vast and varied. Or perhaps you are under the impression that it doesn't matter because Jesus is coming. Whatever your reasons, you're wrong. Shut up and try to care about something other than yourself for five minutes. Namely, the environment--because that's what this paperless page is all about.

From business to fashion to your garden, EcoSpace.cc consistently inspires new environmental conversations with its awesome articles and weekly updates.

How Can I Recycle This?
Great tips on ways to recycle the random things you and I have around our houses. If you're a pack rat (like me) then you will feel great about not throwing all of these things away!


Aldo Leopold's Land Ethic
"A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise." - Aldo Leopold


Voluntary Human Extinction Movement (VHEMT)
"May we live long and die out." I don't necessarily support this movement, but I do find it inescapably interesting.

World Transhumanist Association
"For the ethical use of technology to extend human capabilities." I think this a little disturbing, but somehow admirably ambitious.

Eco-Friendly Products

"Eco-Friendly Recycled Candy Wrapper Handbags, Belts & Accessories." You can even try to find a bag made from the poster of a movie that you like!

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