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Recent Events at Laurentian Engineering

Friday, May 23rd, 2003

Cambrian College and Laurentian University have been in the process of joining their facilities to conduct research in telemining. Cambrian will be doing work in the electronics and mechanical systems of the project while Laurentian University researchers are focussing their efforts in the application, process and mathematics of the project. Together they form a virtual mining operation, similar to the one Inco is currently using in Stobie Mine.

Tuesday, May 13th, 2003

    Lucky Amaratunga receives 2002-2003 Teaching Excellence Award
     Dr. Laxman "Lucky" Amaratunga was awarded Laurentian University's Teaching Excellence Award for 2002-2003. Since his arrival at Laurentian University's School of Engineering in 1984, Dr. Amaratunga has taught courses in metallurgical engineering and process control. With this award, Laurentian recognizes Dr. Amaratunga's qualities as an outstanding teacher, his enthusiasm and his capacity to involve students in the class. A reception in his honour was held on March 25, 2003 where he presented a lecture entitled "Philosophy of Teaching in the Context of Engineering Education."

    Over and above his talents as an inspiring teacher are his impressive research record and his awareness of the close bond that exists between teaching and research. According to Dr. Doug Parker, vice-president, academic (anglophone affairs), "Dr. Amaratunga's scholarly profile, publications and awards are impressive and certainly show that he is well aware of the important part that research plays in the life of a university professor."

    Dr. Amaratunga received the Distinguished Lecturer Award in 1999-2000 from the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM), is an active member of CIM and its committees, is an editor of the Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly and received a CIM Fellowship in 1997.

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Last Update May 27, 2003