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Welcome to Volq's Science Duty Station WebSite, DatqamVolk.
To enter just click on my Klingon Emblem below.


The following Site Map is designed for viewing by those who have a Klingon Font Face on their system. Currently that page only has "KlingonTNG" & "Klinganese" added. If you have a different Klingon Font, and would like to see it there, send the font name to me and I'll add it to the list of the ones I already have. For the rest of you, go on to the "Science Duty Station" link at the bottom of that page.

The single (
* ) denotes my webpages designed with someone else's templates. Those marked by double ( ** ) I designed from scratch.

Science Department Mission Statement@:

Flow Chart of this website
History of this website
One of my concepts for a S.I. icon The Smithsonian Institution
I lost track of the # of Smithsonian Entities/Buildings The Smithsonian Institution's
        Research Information System
 Smithsonian Magazine


'evnagh'nagh qumwI'
DatqamVolq QedpIn wa'DIch
DatqamVolq chIj'wI' wa'DIch
DatqamVolq QumpIn wa'DIch
DatqamVolq ngaS'wI Say'wI wa'Dich
'evnagh'nagh Duya'a'
(mun. Bill)

rough translation:
Good Hunting

Hunting LandVolq
Purgatory Rock Governor
Chief Science Duty Station Officer
Chief SDS Navigator
Chief SDS Communuicator
Chief SDS Container (Bottle) Washer
Purgatory Rock Ambassador

    @ Recipe for Mission Statements on this page:
      2 parts Seriousness
      1 part Humor

Page last edited June 8th 2007

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