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Sunday, 23 January 2005
Here's a few cute pictures of Abby
I have a lot of nice photos of Abby that Donna and Dottie gave me. I will put some on here so you can see them. These first two were taken sometime last fall...I love them. I have a few more that are just as good.

This was taken at Deb's Christmas party. Here is Abby getting her presents from Santa.

And here is Abby playing dress up and playing her guitar.

Dottie sent me a really nice picture of me and Abby on Christmas day. I printed it and will be sending it to you snail mail as soon as I pick up a little frame for it. Hope you enjoyed these pictures.

Posted by trek/crazylacy at 6:36 PM EST
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Saturday, 8 January 2005
We had a snowy day
Mood:  happy
We've had a snowy day. Not sure if we will get any more tonight, but it has pretty much stopped right now. I just came in the house - I went out and shoveled the three inches of wet snow off the driveway, then went to the end of the driveway and shoveled about six inches of really heavy stuff the snow plows deposited. I got quite a workout that lasted about an hour. Now I'm ready to go watch some movies and work on Dottie's latch hook rug.

My sister surprised me by calling today. She said she was taking time off from school and wasn't even sure she wanted to go back. She recently finished the first semester, but it was problematic because she kept having computer problems and it was difficult to get her homework done, a real hassle. She's not going back for the next semester, and my not go back at all now. Seems a shame not to finish after she's put so much into it, but that's her decision. Now that she has a good job, a good husband and a happy life, I guess she doesn't feel the need or urgency to get a degree like she did before.

I got my computer figured out and it is fine now. I realized I had done something wrong when I installed the new software, so I uninstalled everything and started over. That did the trick, and I didn't have to mess with editing the registry, thank goodness! I think I will try to get some more RAM for my computer, which should help things a lot. It only has 192 MB of RAM, and there's room for another 64 MB. I might even be able to update it to a faster processor. The cost of these things has gotten so cheap, I expect I can afford to do it. I'll give Mark a call and ask him, since he's the one that built this computer for me in the first place. That would enable me to continue using this one until such time that I could afford to buy a new one.

That's all for today. I'm off to work on the latch hook rug.

Posted by trek/crazylacy at 5:37 PM EST
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Thursday, 6 January 2005
I had two good days off.
Mood:  happy
I had a couple of nice days off and got a lot done. I didn't go on the computer at all yesterday, though, so I thought I would write on my blog this morning before work.

I went to North Syracuse yesterday to the DMV and renewed my driver's license. I was in and out of there in ten minutes, which has to be a record! I guess my timing was perfect for that place. There was no traffic on the road and hardly any people at the DMV (I got there about 11am). I'm glad I got it done now instead of waiting a few more weeks. Also, our weather was good, and I knew it might change within the next few weeks, so best to do it now. As it turned out, we did get some snow last night and more for today, but most of it went north and south of where I live. Still, the roads are slick this morning.

Dottie is planning on coming over here tonight after work. I think she wants to see what Christmas stuff I want to get rid of. That's fine, she can help me clear out the stuff. Gary has a woodworker's meeting this evening (he joined the club because he loves to make things), so she wanted something to do anyway.

While I've been off, I've been working non-stop almost on the magnolia latch hook rug I bought last year for Dottie. I had never made one before and had no idea how much time it would take to finish. It is very tedious and time consuming. I only work on it when I have a few hours or more to do it. To give you an idea, I worked on it for nine straight hours and all that work only gave me a finished area of 3" x 18". But I want to try and finish it for Dottie's birthday (it was supposed to be for last year), so I can get this project out of here. We'll see.

The main lamp in my sewing room quit working last weekend because the switch broke. Dottie said she might have a lamp she isn't using and if so, she'll bring it with her tonight. I hope so because I need more light to see what I'm doing to sew. I want to put the bindings on Guy's baby quilts, but can't do it until I have another lamp. Hopefully, she brings one tonight.

That is all for today...have to go to work now. Hope you are having a good week.

Posted by trek/crazylacy at 6:17 AM EST
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Saturday, 1 January 2005
Happy New Year
I don't know how I feel about the new year right now. Mostly, I have a feeling of dread now. I was looking forward to it until I found out how difficult a year it is going to be for me financially. It's hard to be optimistic when I'm apprehensive of what the future holds in store. I will work on it the best I can. When I set up some mountains to climb for fun and self improvement, I didn't see this one! It blind-sided me. I just don't know how I'm going to get through this year. If God has a plan for me, he'd better show it to me pretty quick.

Posted by trek/crazylacy at 5:38 PM EST
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Sunday, 26 December 2004
Christmas is over ...we had a nice one.
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: Count down to 2005
We didn't get any snow at all! All of it went up north, and they got a foot of snow. Better them than us - LOL. It seemed strange not having a white Christmas, though - first time in the 18 years I've lived here. Oh well, Christmas is over and I'm ready for the New Year to get here.

We had a nice day yesterday, and of course, Abby got a ton of gifts from all her aunts, grandparents, family friends, and parents. She got a real harmonica, and you should hear her play it! I was amazed! She also got an electronic drum set, which she loves. I think she's going to have some musical talent. She already has a guitar with amplifier and microphone. She also got a karaoke machine, two CD players, all kinds of play doh sets, dolls, play dress up clothes (snow white, cinderella, sleeping beauty), books, a play house, and much more. That's one spoiled little girl. Poor thing looked so tired yesterday because there was too much excitement and she didn't take a nap, but she stayed in a good mood. We had a nice dinner, too. Donna cooked a Smithfield ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, homemade macaroni and cheese, green beans, rolls, and chocolate cream pie. Dottie and Gary brought a bunch of snack foods (veggie tray with dip, cheeses, crackers, summer sausage, shrimp) and a crock pot full of meatballs and little wieners in a yummy sauce (she said it was chili sauce and grape jelly. I never heard of it, but it was delicious). The kids were good to me, and here's what I got from them: pasta machine (can't wait to try making my own whole wheat noodles and ravioli); 8 pairs of black socks, which I really needed; the quilt book I wanted Still Stripping After 25 years by Eleanor Burns; 2 boxes of Johnson Foot Soak & peppermint foot lotion; suet cake for the birds; a beautiful glass brick night light (mine has cats on one side and a gorgeous angel on the other); 12 pack of blank VHS tapes (so I can tape my sewing shows); a DVD, the Stepford Wives; another DVD, Blue Collar Comedy Tour (I laughed myself silly watching that last night! If you dont' have it, ya gotta get it! hahaha); cute ornament that says "most loved mom" on it; a Win For Life lottery ticket ( alas, I didn't win anything). I don't think I missed anything. We had a really nice Christmas.

Last night, I called my sister and mother. My sister's husband answered the phone, and I said "Hi Robert, this is Gail, Merry Christmas!" He told me the afghan I made was the prettiest thing he'd ever seen. When Bobbie got on the phone, she said the same thing. Later, I called Mom, and she said all they talked about was the afghan I made them. I'm so happy they liked it! I just wish I had thought to take a picture of it before I shipped it. I'll ask Bobbie to take one for me later. It makes me feel so good to make something for someone and know they appreciate it, and love it. So now I've made an afghan for each of my girls, my sister, Carol, and you. I've made hats for all of you, too.

Gary told me last night that every time he wears the first one I made him, people always comment on it. I used a yarn you can't find anymore. It was thick and warm, and kind of brownish-gray and cream varigated color. When the hat was finished, it reminded me of a cow hide, which was perfect for Gary cuz he likes cows. He's losing his hair and is bald on top, so it keeps his head nice and warm. I will start learning a new hat pattern for 2005 so next year I can make everyone a new hat, and maybe a matching scarf, too. I want to learn to knit in 2005, so perhaps it will be knitted instead of crocheted. Something fun to look forward to learning and making, then giving to my loved ones.

My cold is better, but hasn't gone away completely. I should be fine, though. My back is aching, and I think it's the mattress on the downstairs bed. I had better start sleeping upstairs for a while on the extra firm mattress. Well, that is all for today. I have laundry to get done, and I may start taking down the Christmas decorations.

Posted by trek/crazylacy at 10:15 AM EST
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Friday, 24 December 2004
It's Friday and Christmas Eve
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Merry Christmas!
I can't believe I'm home already. The Christmas party lasted about 30 minutes before everybody started leaving. I guess everybody had places to go and things to do. I didn't want ot be the only one there so I left, too, shortly thereafter. Then the kids started taking turns at eating. Carlos was the one who drew my name for Secret Santa, and I got a nice gift. It was a big vinyl bag full of great bath and body products, including exfoliators, shower gels, soap, sprays, and lotions. The fragrances included lavender, melon, poppy, roses, eucalyptus, and berry. Plus there was a nice body brush in the bag. Everyone was teasing Carlos, especially me. I asked him when was he going to come over and scrub my back! hahaha Carlos is a nice guy and has a great sense of humor. He is one of the pants pressers. Louise and I gave him a prank gift yesterday, and he loved it. We were all laughing about it all day. You see, Carlos is always worried that someone will think he stunk up the bathroom, and he blames it on Kevin or Terry. The bathrooms are close to where we work, so if someone stinks it up, you can't help but smell it. He is always asking me if I have any matches so he can burn off the smell. So I bought a big box of matches, and Louise went to Spencer's Gifts and bought some fake dog crap. We put them together in a nice looking package and left it on his press when nobody was looking. When he came back and found the box, he was all excited, but wouldn't let anyone see what was in it. Louise must gave taped it up pretty good because he had trouble opening it. Finally he got one corner opened and peeked inside. He started laughing and then me and Louise cracked up. Then everybody was laughing. Well, he didn't realize that it was me and Louise who did it, not until later when we told him. Then he played a prank on Louise, which was just as funny. He took the fake poop and put it between two slices of bread and wrapped it up, then snuck it into her lunch bag. When she opened it, I just about peed my pants I was laughing so hard! And we were all laughing the rest of the day. It made for a fun day that went fast. LOL It's good to work with people who have a sense of humor. Edith surprised me by giving me a $20 gift card to Olde Country Buffet. I told her we would go there together next time her husband was out of town. Deb gave me a cute tin ornament and a fancy zippered case, like you would use for cosmetics. Not sure what I will do with it yet. Maybe I'll start wearing make up again for the new year. Gotta look good when I turn fifty! *smile* And we got our hundred dollar bill from Terry. I depositied mine in the bank to cover the debit I made for Midas and Kirby's last night. All in all, it was a nice Christmas party.

We haven't gotten any precipitation yet. Maybe the storm will miss us after all. I have never seen a Christmas here without snow on the ground until now. I miss it! But since we have to travel tomorrow, I hope it doesn't snow until after we get home. I think yesterday broke a record high for the date. Earlier in the week we tied for the record low. Very unusual weather we're having these days. I can't even begin to guess what the rest of the winter will be like.

On the way home today, I stopped and washed my car. When I got home, I noticed a big scratch on the driver's side. I don't know when it happened, but I have to get some paint to cover it before it rusts (Might have happened in the car wash). I'll have to call the Chevy dealer and see if they have it. I'm sure they can order it if they don't have it in stock. I know I've bought it before, it comes in a small vial, touch up paint. I thought maybe the car wash caused it. I don't usually use the car washes that have those long things flying around to wash your car. I like the electronic foam car wash, but that one was out of order. I won't use that other kind again! I'm sure I would have noticed this scratch yesterday, and I know it wasn't there last night when I came home. Darn it! Oh well, I guess it was bound to get a scratch sooner or later.

Well, I will get going. Not sure what I will do for the rest of the day. Might do some laundry and clean up the kitchen. I'm a little tired because of the cold I have, so I am taking it easy today through the weekend. Maybe I'll play a computer game for a while, or go upstairs and sew something. It is a day to relax and enjoy life. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and that Guy gets to come home this weekend. I look forward to hearing all about it. Merry Christmas, Joan!

Posted by trek/crazylacy at 2:02 PM EST
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Thursday, 23 December 2004
How exciting that Guy will be home for Christmas!
Mood:  bright
Joan, that's wonderful news about Guy coming home! I know y'all must be so excited. The pictures in your email were terrific, and I saved them. I knew he would start growing fast. He looks great, and so sweet! Who was giving him the bottle? I am so happy for you. Thank you for sharing so much of Guy with means so much. He's a little angel.

I made it through the worst of the week. It has been crazy at work, very busy. Everybody wants everything now. I felt awful all week, but last night around midnight, the sore throat broke free and the sneezing and runny nose started. My head filled up every time I lay down, so I had to pile up the pillows and sleep upright (didn't get but four hours sleep, though). I doctored myself up with plenty of Vick's salve on my chest and in my nose, took a Claritin to stop the sneezing, and I finally felt a little better. I think I'll be all right to go to Donna's now, thank goodness. I didn't really want to miss Christmas with the kids and Abby...just didn't want them to get sick. Dottie said I could go with her and Gary so I don't have to drive back home in the dark. And some more good news is the weather may not be all that bad here. Most of it is going to go west and north of us, so unless something else changes, we shouldn't have too many problems on the road.

On the way home from work this afternoon, I stopped at Midas and got the oil changed in the car. I also bought winter wiper blades and they put them on for me. They work so much better than what was on the car. They also checked all my tires and put air in them. One tire has been slowly losing air, and the guy checked that for me. He didn't find any leaks in the tire, so he tightened the valve stem. He told me to check it in a few days, and if it was still losing air, to just stop back and he'd take care of it. They are always so good to me at Midas. While I waited for the car, I ate an early dinner, across the street at Friendly's. I had the Crispy Chicken Salad, and a small sundae. By the time I finished, they had my car on the lift and was almost done when I got back to Midas.

Well, Joan, that is all for today. Tomorrow we are supposed to be off at noon (paid for the whole day), and have our Christmas party. I hope we don't get too much work for tomorrow (we are encouraging customers to get it next week, but some people don't care that it's Christmas, especially the Jewish customers - we have a lot of them.) If there's a lot of work, our party will start much later, and none of us wants to be at the cleaners all day on Christmas Eve! We want to get our bonus and leave! LOL

I will write again soon. have a wonderful Christmas, and give that sweet baby a kiss for me.

Posted by trek/crazylacy at 7:19 PM EST
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Tuesday, 21 December 2004
With deepest sympathy for your loss
Mood:  sad
Joan, I'm so sorry to learn that Ralph's father passed away yesterday. May his soul rest in eternal peace. I will be thinking of you and your family and keeping you all in my prayers.

I have a bad sore throat and don't feel well. In spite of feeling lousy all day, work went better than yesterday. Tomorrow is Wednesday and the week will be half over. Two more days and it's Christmas weekend. I'm looking forward to spending it with my kids and Abby. When I got home from work, I had a surprise package from my mother. She had ordered me a delicious pecan assortment from Figi's. I called her to thank her and we talked about half an hour. She sounded in much better spirits. I think she will be ok, but the surgery took its toll on her. If she can get healed from that, then we'll see about getting her into an apartment, but not until Springtime.

Well, that is all for today. I'm going to gargle again and make myself a cup of hot tea with lemon and honey. Take care, my friend. I will write again tomorrow. Sending you a warm hug and lots of and your family are in my prayers.

Posted by trek/crazylacy at 6:43 PM EST
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Monday, 20 December 2004
What a day!
Mood:  don't ask
Well, the day started out badly. The alarm didn't go off, and I was an hour late to work. I called Kevin and told him I didn't know what happened, but my clock didn't go off and I would be in as quickly as possible. When I went to look at the clock more closely to see what was wrong with it, the AM and PM was messed up. My guess is that Abby pushed some buttons on the clock when I wasn't looking. Oh well, shit happens! It was (-8) degrees this morning, COLD! Wow, I can't believe the sudden drop. The car started, and I went to work. WHen I got there, it was very busy with tons of clothes to mark in. Deb and Roseann were marking them in. When I got there, Rosie went to her work station and I took her place, but Deb stayed and kept marking. She marks so fast, I don't know how she can do it so quickly. If I worked there twenty years, I could never mark that fast. That's why I've never applied for factory work because I know I couldn't keep up that pace. And Deb has a way of making me feel inadequate, like I'm not good enough because I can't keep up with her. I happen to know nobody can keep up with her, but it makes me feel bad just the same. Deb had me jumping all over the place today, from sweaters, to inspecting, and back to marking. I kept telling myself that it didn't matter, so long as I was working and staying busy, but for some reason it was sticking in my craw all day. Since I was an hour late to work, I figured it would be ok to stay the extra hour to make up for it (it has never been a problem in the past). So at 3:30 I was marking in more of Tuesdays clothes when one of the kids on the front counter came back, and said Deb told her to mark. Fine, we can do it together. ABout 20 minutes later, Deb comes back there and sees me and asks me what I was still doing there. She says, you don't have to stay, it's under control. Maybe I am reading too much into this, but it upset me and so I left. I was so mad I forgot to punch out. I'll have to remember to write it down tomorrow. Anyway, the whole thing is, Deb acts differently towards me lately, and even though she says everything is ok, it feels different. Maybe I'm imagining it all, I don't know. I just don't feel comfortable there anymore. I hope and pray somebody will offer me another job because I don't want to stay there!

When I got home, I had to shovel the driveway and put out the trash. Now I'm heading to the living room to work on a crochet project ( a gift for somebody at work). The Christmas party at work is Friday, so I hope I can get this ready.

When I sent out my Christmas cards, I sent a special one to Mr. Reeve with a letter in it. I got a letter from him today and he was so happy to hear from me and he wants me to call him. He also sent me a check for a hundred bucks for Christmas. I didn't expect him to do that! I know if I try to give it back it will hurt his feelings. I need the money so I'll accept it gracefully and write him a nice thank you note.

I will check email now, then off to crochet. Sounds like you had a busy, but productive day. Hope you continue to have a nice week. That's all for today.

Posted by trek/crazylacy at 6:05 PM EST
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Saturday, 18 December 2004
Only one week until Christmas!
Mood:  happy
I can't believe how fast the time has gone by since Halloween. Only one more week and Christmas day is here; another week after that and we'll be celebrating the New Year 2005! Amazing!

I've had a busy morning. Ran some errands, including a trip to Walmart. I picked up some things for Guy, size 0-3 months. I didn't get preemie because I know he will gain weight and grow rather quickly, especially since he is able to suckle so well. Is Jennifer breast feeding Guy now? I know you said her milk came down, and they are staying close to the hospital in the Ronald McDonald House, so I thought she was pretty much at the hospital with the baby most of the time. With his mother's milk, Guy will thrive and grow fast, so I got things for him he can wear after he goes home from the hospital. (I saved the receipt in case you or Jen needed it later, in case Jen wants to exchange anything.) I hope I didn't duplicate anything you may have gotten for Guy. I got him some bootie socks, hats, bib and spitup cloth set, package of sleepers that match the hats, and a cute Tigger sleeper, plus a soft Christmas doggie that has a rattle in it, and it says My First Christmas on the front. I thought it was cute. Just about everything I bought is in shades of blue because the baby department was wiped out! Must be a lot of newborns around here, too. LOL! After I got Guy's gifts wrapped and squeezed into your big Christmas box, I ran down to the post office and mailed it. Got there just in time before they closed. Whew! haha Came home, had some coffee and decided to write on my blog.

It's been pretty cold here, and snowy. The sun is shining right now, though, but not for long. The sky is dark and it's coming this way. We are getting more snow, starting tonight and into tomorrow. The temperatures are expecting to drop near zero by the end of the weekend. Not looking forward to that! Oh well, it's winter time. With any luck, the winter will pass as quickly as the fall, and then it will be springtime once again. Something to look forward to.

I'm off to the grocery store now. Abby will be here about four o'clock, and I need to pick up something good to eat that we can have for supper tonight. After we eat, we'll open your gift to us. Can't wait to see what it is!

Hope you had a wonderful day with Guy. Looking forward to hearing about your visit. have a great weekend, my friend. I am thinking of you.

Posted by trek/crazylacy at 12:23 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 18 December 2004 12:35 PM EST
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