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The company provides a range of survey services to various clients. We operate at present principally in South East Asia. Customers include major international oil related companies and regional governmental departments. We carry out detailed technical surveys and produce technical industrial analytical reports on our client’s facilities. By specialist interpretation and/or software analysis of our survey results, we provide accurate advice and remedial recommendations. We have made a considerable investment in the range of high-tech equipment necessary to conduct this work. These surveys, and the interpretation of the results require considerable training, experience and diagnostic ability, and a broad physics and technological background in industrial engineering and process control etc. Through our Diagnostic Inspection work, technical resources, and experience in industrial plant health, we are able to give cost saving advice and loss/risk avoidance, consultation.

The various surveys, which the company can provide, include: -

.  Thermographic Surveys. (Our core business.)
Infrared + Ultrasonic combined Surveys.
Underground pipe/cable detection and mapping.
Noise Level Surveys and Hearing Protection Zone Mapping.
Ultrasonic Gas/Fluid leak detection, and many other types of inspection surveys.

·   Major international clients include directly or otherwise; Shell, Elf, Mobile, Total, Reading & Bates, Schlumberger. Smedvig, Sedco Forex, SantaFe, Malaysia-LNG, Brunei Power Grid, Brunei Telecom’s Dept. Sheraton hotels, etc.

·   A consultant on many Brunei Government projects, and holder of a Malaysian National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health Consulting Certification (Number H 0341).

An integrated supply service is offered of specialised “High-Tech” products in support of our mainstream activities. Together with associates and “joint-venture” companies, we offer solutions to a variety of engineering problems, project planning, supervision, commissioning, condition monitoring, and proactive maintenance consultancy services. We also supply Quality Assurance, Non-Invasive / Non-Intrusive Testing, and Occupational Safety, Health, and Environmental equipment and consultancy, and some specialized high security solutions.


THERMOGRAPHY:- (Electrical.) Using an advanced Infrared Interrogative Imaging camera together with specialised PC software this type of survey is used to increase the reliability of the electrical installation, be avoiding unnecessary component failure, and replacement, through the Proactive Maintenance steps that are fully specified and itemised in the final report & CD. Additionally, the Thermographic-Survey’s objectives include the detecting and quantifying of potential Electrical FIRE Hazards. These insidious faults can then be corrected according to our itemised report recommendations. (Thermographic Diagnostic, Quantitative Surveys are our core business.)

ULTRASOUND: - Using special sensing equipment tuned to the Ultrasonic frequency of 40KHz Electrical FIRE Hazards, Corona Discharges, Insulation-Breakdown, and potential FLASH-Over Points that can kill, can be detected. These insidious faults may not have Thermal signatures nor for other reasons be detectable during a Thermographic Survey. (We include these Ultrasound surveys free of charge when we carry out our Thermographic Surveys above.)

THERMOGRAPHY: - (Other surveys.) The diversity of the other Thermographic Survey services that we offer is too great in number to be described here. However, we cover all manner of infrared diagnostic inspections e.g. Furnace/Tank/Pipe erosion, corrosion, scaling & sludging detection, Hot/Cold Industrial pipe/vessel thermal-insulation integrity checks, Building-envelope water ingress & insulation degradation locating, Heating/Cooling-system efficiency checks, Rotating equipment alignment & lubrication efficiency, Mechanical friction & sources of wear, Steam supply systems; Please enquire Tel:+6085-420030, Fax 420015 Mobile +6013-8330093 or Email Me

NOISE LEVEL ZONING: - A full survey is carried out of the facility/vessel and Floor/Deck Colour Zoning Plans are produced, mapping out the zones of different Noise levels in dBA groupings, and specifying the varying need for the wearing of Hearing Protection Devices (HPD’s). A full colour report in book form & CD is produced together with laminated Zone-Maps for posting up on notice boards. (Excessive exposure to Noise can course premature loss of hearing in later years.)

NOISE RELATED PRODUCTS:-  We supply EMTEC Personalised Hearing Protectors, the “Noise-Breaker ®” . We hold a certification from EMTEC Laboratories (UK) to take “Ear impressions” for these, the warrantee, and for their “Noise-Talker ® ”. These intrinsically safe personalised In-ear Communication sets have specially developed speaker and microphones inside the hearing protector to pick up the voice from the ear’s tympanic membrane. Hearing is protected and as external noise is excluded, communications are clear. (“Noise-Talkers ® ” are ideal for noisy Pump rooms, Shipyards, Factories etc. They can be worn under Fire-costumes, Breathing masks, Crash helmets etc.)

ILLUMINATION: - The facility/vessel is fully surveyed and a report book produced listing illumination LUX levels in all areas and at Points Of Work, Muster-points, Lifeboats, Ramps, etc against recommended LUX levels. Attention is drawn to areas that require improvement and recommendations are made. (Poor lighting is frequently the course of accidents and injuries.)

UNDERGROUND DETECTION of UTILITIES:-  Using state of the art Detection and dedicated transmission equipment we detect and differentiate underground pipes and cables. We accurately map out their location and “T” joints etc, and give their depth measurements, complete with their GSP Lat./Long. co-ordinates. These surveys assist in leak-detection and are an essential procedure before any excavation work, to avoid Utility damage and/or Electrocution & Injuries. (We also have equipment to seek out lost Jewellery / Coins etc, in Gardens and Fields etc.)

INTERIOR UTILITIES DETECTION:-  Before contractors start drilling or knocking down walls etc, using our INDUCTIVE and ULTRASONIC equipment we can locate and identify Water or Gas Pipes, Electric or Phone Cables, Plastic conduit, Cavities, Joists, Battens etc, in Floors, Walls, and Ceilings etc.

ULTRASONIC SEAL TESTING:-  We test the integrity of Hatches/Fridge-Doors/Window seals, and seem- joints, Fuel/Water-tanks etc, for “Pin-hole” leaks using specialised Ultrasonic Transmission and Receiving equipment. (This can be done in place of, or before, pressure and liquid hydrotests.)

MICROWAVE OVEN TESTING :-  Radiation Leakage due to usage degradation can cause serious health problems, even death. Just a small amount may cause eye problems later in life. We use purpose made equipment to fully test them to levels below -2 to certify an oven as safe.

C.M. CONTINUATION:-  After our surveys, we offer Condition Monitoring (C.M.) advice & services. Without interruption to your production, we are able to install our special range of 'Dr. Descry' sensing detectors tailored to your plant's requirement. These various UK made 'Fit & Forget' modules will worn off bearing wear, fluid / gas leaks, temperature deviations, vibration, mechanical/fluid knocking, etc.

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We supply many services that are not listed above. Please contact us or our agent in your region if you require more information. 

Anthony Clouder ( Tel: +6013 8330093. )