Computer Science

Accelerated Computer Science II

Laboratory-based accelerated introduction to computer science for students with degrees in other disciplines. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, assignments, exams, student work, and links to related materials. By Denbigh Starkey and Ray Babcock, Montana State University.

Advanced Desktop Publishing

PageMaker, Quark, FreeHand, Illustrator, and Photoshop in digital production flow. History, typography, design theory, and production tips. Syllabus. Assignments. Exams. Links to related materials. By David Bergsland, Albuquerque Technical Vocational Institute.

Advanced Java Programming

One of three tutorials: Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced. Lecture notes. Links to related materials. By Richard G. Baldwin, Austin Community College.

Advanced Java Programming

Covers language and extending the API. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, assignments, student work, and links to related materials. By Douglas Lyon, University of Bridgeport.

Advanced Object Technology

Advanced. Syllabus and readings. By Brad Cox, George Mason University.

Advanced Systems Programming and Operating System Kernel

POSIX 1003 with real- time extensions. Structures and functions of a simple operating system kernel. Examples are in Intel x86 and Hitachi HS7000 processor environments. Lecture notes, assignments, exams, student work, and links to related materials. By Tuomo Kortesmaa, Espoo- Vantaa Institute of Technology (Finland).

Advanced Theory of Computation

Recursive function theory. Theory of computational complexity; inherent limitations of computation, both theoretical and practical. Syllabus, calendar, assignments, exams, and links to related materials. By James A. Foster, University of Idaho.

Advanced Windows Programming

Visual C++ and MFC. Online: Syllabus. Lecture notes. Assignments. Grades. By Masoud Milani, Florida International University.

Algorithms and Data Structures

Study guides. Calendar, exams, and assignments. By Diana Moore, Washington University.

Algorithms and Software Design

Software design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. Evaluation and construction of appropriate algorithms. Small-scale programming experience. Syllabus, calendar, assignments, exams, and links to related materials. By John David Stone, Grinnell College.

Application of Multimedia in Business Environments

Aspects of multimedia in business environments. Student work. By R.M. Jansen, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Applications Programming: C

Traditional no-frills version of C via the popular Turbo C software. Object-oriented C++. Syllabus, calendar, and lecture notes. By Jim Skilling, University of Maine at Augusta.

Automata, Formal Languages, and Computational Complexity

Theory of computation, recursive function theory, formal grammars, automata theory, and NP-completeness. Syllabus, calendar, assignments, exercises with solutions, exams, and links to related materials. By John David Stone, Grinnell College.

The Business of the Internet

How businesses use the Internet to transform the ways business is conducted. E-mail, discussion groups, building and managing information on intranets, collaboration tools and retrieving information from databases. Syllabus and calendar. By Neal Hannon, Bryant College.

Business Telecommunications for Computer Information Science

A virtual classroom. Information for the physical classroom as well as the virtual classroom. Syllabus, calendar, assignments, exams, student work, and links to related materials. By Dan Creagan, Bellevue University.

Computacion I

Describe el contenido del curso de primer nivel en el área de computación de la División de Educación Pre-Universitaria de la Universidad Regiomontana, desde hardware, MSDOS, Introducción a Windows y el procesador de textos Word 6.0. Syllabus. By Lic. Federico Sánchez Pulido, Universidad Regiomontana.

Computational Methods in Environmental Engineering

Computer assignments and solutions. FORTRAN, MathCAD, and spreadsheets. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, assignments, exams, and links to related materials. By Nam Sun Wang, University of Maryland.

Computer Applications for the Liberal Arts I

Readings and pictures. Lecture notes and links to related materials. By Gerry Santoro, Pennsylvania State University.

Computer Ethics

Internet applications and computer ethics. Syllabus, lecture notes, assignments, student work, and links to related materials. By Robert N. Barger, University of Notre Dame.

Computer Graphics

Rendering and animation. Syllabus. Calendar. Lecture notes. Assignments. Student work. Links to related materials. By Albert Goodman, Deakin University, Australia.

Computer Graphics

Links to several computer graphics classes. Syllabus, grading policies, and assignments. By faculty, University of Calgary, Canada.

Computer Graphics Lab

Cornell Theory Center undergraduate computer graphics course. Assignments, student work, and links to related materials. By Bruce Land, Cornell University.

Computer Graphics: Procedural Methods

Practical course. RenderMan and procedural textures. We make pretty pictures. Assignments, student work, and links to related materials. By Ken Musgrave, George Washington University.

Computer Imaging and Soundscape Composition

Visual and auditory ways of representing the world digitally through the creation of image/sound-scapes. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, assignments, student work, and links to related materials. By Don Sinclair and Andra McCartney, York University, Canada.

Computer Literacy

Includes keeping a journal. Syllabus and calendar. By Dennis W. Butler, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo.

Computer Networks

Description. Assignments. Links to related materials. By Hans-Peter Bischof, State University of New York, Oswego.

Computer Science: A Liberal Arts Approach

Concepts and mathematical underpinnings of computer science. Syllabus, calendar, and assignments. By Mary Beth Rosson and John A. N. Lee, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Computer Science Courses Online

Three courses: Data Communications, World Wide Electronic Commerce, Accounting with Computers. Syllabus, lecture notes, and assignments. By W. Paul Borkowski, Cuyahoga Community College.

Computer Systems Verification

Lecture slides. Demonstration proofs. Online version of Gordon and Melham's Introduction to HOL, A Theorem Proving Environment for Higher Order Logic. Syllabus, assignments, lecture notes, and links to related materials.. By Phil Windley, Brigham Young University.

Computers, Ethics, and Society

Computer crime and ethics (utilitarian, Kantian, Nicomachean), privacy, data protection, artificial intelligence, information technology and the third world, "look-and-feel," computer malfunction liability, electronic trespassing. Readings, class notes, links to related materials. By faculty. University of Pennsylvania.

Computers in the Behavioral and Social Sciences

Computers in psychology, sociology, and computer science. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, assignments, student work, and links to related materials. By Susan J. Shapiro, Indiana University East.

Computers: Their Impact and Use

For students with little or no computer background. Syllabus, calendar, assignments, exams, grades, and links to related materials. By Lucy Parakhovnik (Parker), California State University, Northridge.

Computing Fundamentals

Demystifies computers. Syllabus, lecture notes, assignments, and links to related materials. By Jeffrey J. Gosper, Brunel University, UK.

Creating Web Pages and Using PowerPoint

Graphics, word processing, presentation software, Web editor. Design and production. Syllabus. Calendar. Lecture notes. Assignments. Student work. Links to related materials. By G. D. Bryant, Pellissippi State Technical Community College.

Concepts of Programming Languages

Requires knowledge of UNIX commands, Emacs, e-mail, and Netscape browser. Syllabus, assignments, lecture notes. By Phil Windley and Paul Black, Brigham Young University.

CS Seminar

For CS graduate students. Weekly presentations by students, faculty, or outside speakers. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, assignments, exams, student work. By Denbigh Starkey, Montana State University.

Data Communication

Completely self-contained. PowerPoint presentations. Syllabus. Lecture notes. Assignments. Links to related materials. By W. Paul Borkowski, Cuyahoga Community College.

Data Structures and File Processing

Sophomore level. Data structures, algorithm analysis and file processing techniques; asymptotic algorithm analysis, lists stacks and queues, trees, graph algorithms, sorting, searching, hashing, indexing, memory management. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, assignments, grades, and links to related materials. By Cliff Shaffer, Virginia Tech.

Denotational Semantics

Slides for denotational semantics of programming languages, based on Schmidt's Denotational Semantics. Lecture notes. By Wolfgang Schreiner, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria.

Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Techniques for analyzing the efficiency of algorithms, and for using this information to design better ones. Syllabus, calendar, assignments, exams, and links to related materials. By James A. Foster, University of Idaho.

Desktop Publishing on a Mac

PageMaker, Quark, FreeHand, Illustrator, and Photoshop in digital production flow. History, typography, design theory, and production tips. Syllabus. Assignments. Exams. Links to related materials. By David Bergsland, Albuquerque Technical Vocational Institute.

Digital Logic Design Lab

Context-based course with assignments using simulation and protoboards. Syllabus, calendar, assignments, grades, student work, and links to related materials. By Keith Barker, University of Connecticut.

Digital Sound Modeling

Learn how the basic structure of sound perception affects the useful ways of processing sound through digital computations. The focus is on basic synthesis techniques, rather than on signal analysis, or on special applications of synthesis such as music or speech. Syllabus, lecture notes, student work, and links to related materials. By Michael J. O'Donnell, University of Chicago.

Electronic Commerce

Completely self-contained. PowerPoint presentations. Syllabus. Lecture notes. Assignments. Links to related materials. By W. Paul Borkowski, Cuyahoga Community College.

Electronic Documents

History and structure of electronic documents. Hypertext, multimedia storage, design and implementation, SGML and other standards and structured documents. Syllabus, lecture notes, assignments, and links to related materials. By Karen Lemone, Espoo-Vantaa Institute of Technology.

Elementary Computing for Arts Students

Non-technical course on computers and information technology. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, assignments, and links to related materials. By Michael Head, McGill University.

Elements of Neural Computation

Mathematical and computational models of neurons and networks of neurons. Network models, learning algorithms, and applications in artificial intelligence, robotics, cognitive and neural modeling, computer science and engineering. Syllabus, calendar, assignments, and links to related materials. By Vasant Honavar, Iowa State University.

Ethics and Law on the Electronic Frontier

Computer crime, intellectual property, privacy, encryption, and freedom of expression. Syllabus, assignments, class notes, student work. By Hal Abelson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Exploring the Internet

Assumes no prior knowledge of the Internet. Covers e-mail, WWW, gopher, newsgroups, FTP and setting up sound and video drivers. Syllabus. By Larry Hyslop, Great Basin College.

Faculty Online!

Delivered entirely over the Internet. Design of online courses. Syllabus. Calendar. Assignments. Links to related materials. By Candace Schaefer, Tyler Junior College.

Fault-Tolerant Systems

Design, modeling, analysis, and integration of hardware and software for computing systems employing on-line fault-tolerance. Case studies on Boeing 777, Space Shuttle, Tandem, and Stratus. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, and links to related materials. By Axel W. Krings, University of Idaho.

Foundations of Computer Science

Recursion, trees, graphs, machines, context-free grammars, analysis of algorithms and touring machine. Lecture notes. Links to related materials. By Hans-Peter Bischof, State University of New York, Oswego.

Fundamentals of Computer Science I

Lab-based course in computer science using Scheme. Syllabus, calendar, over forty labs, assignments, in-class projects, exams, and links to related materials. By John David Stone and Henry Walker, Grinnell College.

Fundamentals of Computer Science II

Theoretical, abstract properties of data types, their representation and implementation in computers, and the algorithms used to operate on them. Syllabus, calendar, assignments, exams, and links to related materials. By John David Stone, Grinnell College.

Fundamentals of Programming in C++

The TTT Online Learning System provides Topics, Tasks and Tests (multiple choice - interactively graded) for beginners who want to learn how to write programs in the C++ language. Lecture notes. By Errol Chopping, Charles Sturt University - Mitchell.

Genetic Machine Learning

In German, except as noted. Genetic machine learning methods: simple genetic algorithms, variants for combinatorial optimization, genetic programming and classifier systems. Syllabus, calendar, Vorlesungsunterlagen (lecture notes) in English, exercises, student work, bibliographies, and links to related materials. By Andreas Geyer-Schulz, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration.

Geographic Information Systems

Distance-learning course. GIS as a spatial modeling tool. Lectures via two-way televideo link. Reading materials and test via the Internet. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, assignments, exams, and links to related materials. By Hal Campbell, Humboldt State University.

Graphics and Scientific Visualization

Graduate seminar in computer graphics. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, assignments, exams, student work, and links to related materials. By Denbigh Starkey and Ray Babcock, Montana State University.

Great Ideas In Computer Science

Breadth-first course for liberal arts students. With laboratory problems page. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, assignments, and links to related materials. By John Howland, Trinity University.

High Performance Computing

Programming high-performance computing systems, FORTRAN, and high performance workstations. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, assignments, exams, student work, and links to related materials. By Charles Severance, Michigan State University.

High Performance Parallel Computing Seminars & Talks

How to use the massively parallel IBM SP2. Programming C and FORTRAN, parallel programming with MPI, LoadLeveler & EASY-LL scheduling systems, and DataExplorer data visualization system. Syllabus, lecture notes, assignments, and links to related materials. By Cornell Theory Center, Cornell University.

Human Factors in Computing Systems

Available entirely on the Web. Credit earned only by those registered for the course. Lecture notes, assignments, exams, student work, and links to related materials. By Pete Holt, Athabasca University, Canada.

Hypermedia and Virtual Reality

Hypertext/hypermedia, virtual environments and their interrelationships. Practical work based on VRML. Syllabus, lecture notes, assignments, and links to related materials. By Chris Hand, De Montfort University.

Image Manipulation Using Photoshop

Using Photoshop in digital production flow to produce graphics for print and Web marketing. Color theory, halftone production, separation production, and format usage. Syllabus. Assignments. Exams. Links to related materials. By David Bergsland, Albuquerque Technical Vocational Institute.

Information in Cyberspace

E-mail, mailing lists, newsgroups, IRC, muds, chats, Internet resources, HTML, web site creation, cgi scripts, Telnet, FTP, and basic UNIX. Cultural and social issues related to the new information "cyberspace". Syllabus. Calendar. Lecture notes. Assignments. Exams. Grades. Student work. Links to related materials. By Grete Pasch, University of Texas at Austin.

Intelligent Interactive Media

Several courses at MIT's Media Laboratory at the intersection of human/computer interaction and artificial intelligence. Syllabus, calendar, assignments, student work, and links to related materials. By Henry Lieberman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Intelligent Internet Agents

An intelligent agent interacting with its environment. Syllabus. Lecture notes. Assignments. Exams. Student work. Links to related materials. By Andreas Geyer-Schulz, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria.

Intermediate Computer Graphics

Students write a ray tracer in the course and make some neat pictures. Assignments and student work. By Ken Musgrave, George Washington University.

Intermediate Java Programming

One of three tutorials: Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced. Lecture notes. Links to related materials. By Richard G. Baldwin, Austin Community College.

Internet Basics

For beginners. Search strategies using FTP, Telnet, Gopher and the Web; e-mail, mailing lists, and USENET. Current Internet issues. Syllabus, calendar, assignments, exams, and links to related materials. By Kristine L. Rudin, Eastern Washington University.

Internet Fundamentals

Web-based course for the in-service or pre-service teacher. Telnet, ftp, Gopher, e-mail, and the Web. Production of a web site appropriate for use in the teacher's grade level or discipline. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, assignments, and links to related materials. By Gary Kidney, University of Houston, Clear Lake.

Internet Programming with Java

Working applets and their source code. Syllabus, lecture notes, assignments, student work, and links to related materials. By Jerrold Siegel, University of Missouri - St. Louis.

Introducao a Ciencia da Computacao (Introduction to Computer Science)

Uses LISP/Scheme. Online: Syllabus. Calendar. By Roberto Ierusalimschy, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro.

Introdução a Linguagem Java

Object-oriented programming, Java classes and client-server programming. Syllabus. Calendar. Lecture notes. Assignments. Exams. Links to related materials. By Luciano Silva, Universidade de São Paulo.

Introducing the Internet

Introduction. Lecture notes and links to related materials. By Brian Shields, Bell College Of Technology, UK.

Introduction to C Programming

Introduction. Lecture notes, interactive tests, and links to related materials. By Brian Brown, Central Institute of Technology, New Zealand.

Introduction to Computational Linguistics

Natural language processing, machine translation, computer-assisted language learning and information retrieval. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, assignments, student work, and links to related materials. By Catherine N. Ball, Georgetown University.

Introduction to Computer Communications and Networks

Analog and digital transmission; modulation and demodulation; media; synchronous and asynchronous transmission; digital carriers; link protocols; multiplexing; circuit and packet switching; Local Area Network; Wide-Area Networks; OSI Model; and communication architecture and protocol. Syllabus. Calendar. Lecture notes. Assignments. Grades. Links to related materials. By Surasak Sanguanpong, Kasetsart University, Thailand.

Introduction to Computer Engineering

Assembly programming on Intel architecture, the hardware/software interface, and digital logic. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, assignments, and grades. By Sushil J. Louis, University of Nevada, Reno.

Introduction to Computer Graphics

Interactive 3-D computer graphics with OpenGL. Requires an individual project. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, assignments, past exams, gallery of past projects, and links to other materials. By Michael D. McCool, University of Waterloo.

Introduction to Computer Science

Introduction to programming using C. Syllabus and lecture notes. By Sanjiv K. Bhatia, University of Missouri, St. Louis.

Introduction to Computer Systems

Computer hardware and software, communications, and programming concepts. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, assignments. By Sean Donnellan, Marist College.

Introduction to Computers

Includes complete text to Bruce Sterlings' The Hacker Crackdown. Syllabus, grades, and other course materials By Bill Dueber, Indiana University.

Introduction to Computing Using Packages

Windows 95. MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Lotus Notes. Syllabus. Calendar. Lecture notes. Assignments. Student work. Links to related materials. By Susan C. Hines, La Salle University.

Introduction to Excel 5.0

Learn the basics of spreadsheets using MS Excel version 5. Syllabus. By Larry Hyslop, Great Basin College.

Introduction to Fortran

Introduction. Lecture notes. By Hans-Peter Bischof, State University of New York, Oswego.

Introduction to FORTRAN for Engineers

FORTRAN 77. Syllabus and assignments. By Dennis W. Butler, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo.

Introduction to Hardware

Hardware fundamentals. Lecture notes, interactive tests, and links to related materials. By Brian Brown, Central Institute of Technology, New Zealand.

Introduction to Home Computing

Non-credit course available to anyone. 2,200 students for 50 countries. Syllabus, assignments, and links to related materials. By Dave Krauss, Michigan State University.

Introduction to HTML

Delivered completely over the Web, with e-mail, FTP and conferencing software. This is a .6 CEU course taken by students from all over the world. Syllabus, lecture notes, assignments, student work, and links to related materials. By Wendy Bean, Portland Community College.

Introduction to Natural Language Processing

Focus on modular lexicons, grammars, and parsers (in Perl and Prolog). Syllabus, calendar, assignments, student work, and links to related materials. By Catherine N. Ball, Georgetown University.

Introduction to Neural Networks

In Dutch, except for the online textbook (An Introduction to Neural Networks). Supervised learning, self-organising networks, recurrent networks, reinforcement learning, applications in robotics and vision, and implementation issues. Syllabus, assignments. By Ben Krose and Patrick van der Smagt, University of Amsterdam, German Aerospace Research Establishment.

Introduction to Object-Oriented Computing

Object-Oriented computing. Lecture notes. By Ziga Turk, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

Example files and discussions of Makefiles. Lecture notes and links to related materials. By Michael Chui, Indiana University.

Introduction to Pascal Programming

Pascal programming. Lecture notes, interactive tests, and links to related materials. By Brian Brown, Central Institute of Technology, New Zealand.

Introduction to Programming

Uses QBASIC. Syllabus, assignments. By Ken Cohen, Park College - Columbus Resident Center.

Introduction to Software Engineering

Taxonomy and foundations of software engineering, life cycles, analysis and design, methodologies, professional ethics. Multiproject-oriented course with emphasis on teams. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, assignments. By Mary Lou A. Hines, University of Missouri Kansas City.

Introduction to the Internet

Internet protocols, search engines, file compression/decompression, FTP, e-mail, listservers, HTML, and other related topics. Syllabus, calendar, assignments, student work, and links to related materials. By Wendy Bailey, Wilson Technical Community College.

Introduction to the Internet

Technical history of the Internet, comparisons between Internet technology and other technologies, such as the telephone systems and cable television systems. How to publish on the Internet. Network protocols and how a company might connect its network to the Internet using a firewall. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, assignments, exams, student work, and links to related materials. By Charles Severance, Michigan State University.

Introduction to the Internet

How to get onto the Internet and how to use it. Students build home pages and learn what is involved in creating a web site. Syllabus. By Seymour J. Wolfson, Wayne State University.

Introduction to the Internet

Internet tools and services. Syllabus, calendar, assignments, and links to related materials. By Jean Kent, North Seattle Community College.

Introduction to Visual Basic 5.0 Programming

Description. Lecture notes. Assignments. Downloadable examples. Links to related materials. By Simon Wilkinson, Napier University, Scotland, UK.

Introductory Java Programming

One of three tutorials: Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced. Lecture notes. Links to related materials. By Richard G. Baldwin, Austin Community College.

Java Programming

Some C knowledge required. Covers language and CORE API. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, assignments, and links to related materials. By Douglas Lyon, University of Bridgeport.

Knowledge-Based Engineering

Search methods in artificial intelligence and expert systems. The expert system shell CLIPS as a programming medium for traditional search methods. Numeric search techniques, gradient, Monte-Carlo and genetic algorithms. PRODIGY as a medium for planning problems. OTTER for resolution. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, and assignments. By Edward S. Blurock, Johannes Kepler University, Linz Austria.

Machine Learning

Machine learning algorithms and theory, decision-tree learning, neural networks, Bayesian approaches, genetic algorithms, reinforcement learning, computational learning theory. Syllabus, lecture notes, assignments, exams and links to related materials. By Tom Mitchell, Carnegie Mellon University.

Machine Learning

Learning methods that deal with predicate descriptions of the training examples. ID3 is used to introduce learning methods. Problems affecting learning methods, such as missing data or pruning. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, and assignments. By Edward S. Blurock, Johannes Kepler University, Linz Austria.

Mobile Computing and Intelligence

Mobile computing and the use of intelligent agents. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, assignments, student work, and links to related materials. By Anupam Joshi, Purdue University.


Interactive multimedia technology systems, focusing on types, applications, and theory of operations. Digitizing and manipulating images, voice and video materials, authoring a multimedia package. Syllabus, calendar, assignments, exams, grades, student work, and links to related materials. By Ali Jafari, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis.

Multimedia Curricula Development

Links to sites with lecture notes, books, and related materials for those interested in developing courses in multimedia. Links to related materials. By ACM SIGMM, Association for Computing Machinery.

Network Security

Policy and mechanism, malicious code; intrusion detection, prevention, response; cryptographic protocols for privacy and integrity; tradeoffs between risk of misuse, cost of prevention, and societal issues; concepts implemented in programming assignments. Syllabus. Assignments. Student work. By Deborah Frincke, University of Idaho.

Networking Windows NT Server v. 4.0

Windows NT. Lecture notes, interactive tests, and links to related materials. By Brian Brown, Central Institute of Technology, New Zealand.

Object-Oriented Programming

Classes, objects, messages, data abstraction, inheritance, encapsulation. Object-oriented design (CRC) methodology. C++ in depth. Syllabus, lecture notes, assignments, exams, and links to related materials. By Roger Whitney, San Diego State University.

Object-Oriented Technology

In-depth treatment of object-oriented software development, analysis, design, and programming. Constructing correct, reusable, and efficient software through systematic application of design by contract. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, assignments, student work, and links to related materials. By Enrico Gobbetti and Charles Nicholas, University of Maryland Baltimore County.

Open Systems

Scability, interconnection, interoperability, portability, and evolution of standards. Powerpoint notes. Syllabus. Calendar. Lecture notes. Assignments. Exams. Student work. Links to related materials. By Tralvex Yeap, Thames Valley University, UK.

Operating Systems

UNIX systems programming. Syllabus, lecture notes, exams and links to related materials. By Sanjiv K. Bhatia, University of Missouri, St. Louis.

Operating Systems

Operating systems course with increasing emphasis on applied computing. Syllabus, calendar, assignments, exams, and links to related materials. By David Jones, Central Queensland University.

Operating Systems

Applications programming, illustrated by UNIX. Lecture notes, assignments, and exams. By Jan Newmarch, University of Canberra.

Operating Systems

For computer science majors. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, assignments. By John H. Hine, Victoria University of Wellington.

Operating Systems Organization

Operating systems as resource managers. UNIX framework. Course syllabus, assignments, lecture slides, and other handouts. By Douglas C. Schmidt, Washington University.

Operating Systems: Windows 95

Windows 95. Lecture notes, assignments, sample tests, and links to related materials. By Brian Brown, Central Institute of Technology, New Zealand.

Orientation to Computer Science

Professional development issues in computer science. Syllabus, calendar, assignments, student work, and links to related materials. By Lois Friday, University of Iowa.

Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems

Concepts and techniques for evaluating the performance of computer systems. Measurement, simulation and analytical modelling, queueing theory, operational analysis and Markov chains. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, and assignments. By Jogesh K. Muppala, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

PostScript Illustration

Using FreeHand and Illustrator in digital production flow to produce graphics for print and Web marketing. History, typography, design theory, and production tips. Syllabus. Assignments. Exams. Links to related materials. By David Bergsland, Albuquerque Technical Vocational Institute.

Principles of Artificial Intelligence

Problem-solving, knowledge representation and inference and machine learning. Emphasis on principles. Laboratory assignments and projects illustrate key AI concepts. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, assignments, and links to related materials. By Vasant Honavar, Iowa State University.

Principles of Computer Programming I

Programming illustrated with PASCAL. Lecture notes, assignments, and links to related materials. By Phillip Mitchem, Georgia State University.

Principles of Computer Programming II

Programming illustrated with PASCAL. Syllabus, lecture notes, assignments, and links to related materials. By Phillip Mitchem, Georgia State University.

Procedural Methods for Computer Graphics

For those considering a future in the computer-graphics production houses. Assignments, student work, and links to related materials. By F. Kenton Musgrave, George Washington University.

Professionalism in Computing

Effects of computers on society. Syllabus, calendar, assignments, and lecture notes. By John A. N. Lee, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Programming Graphical Interfaces

Uses Visual Basic as the base development system. Syllabus. Calendar. Lecture notes. Assignments. By Albert Goodman, Deakin University, Australia.

Programming Language Concepts

Concepts. Syllabus, calendar, assignments, exams, and links to related materials. By John David Stone, Grinnell College.

Programming Languages

Structural concepts affecting programming languages: iterative and recursive control flow, data types and type checking, procedural versus functional programming, modularity and encapsulation, fundamentals of interpreting and compiling, formal descriptions of syntax and semantics. Students write programs in radically different languages to illuminate the variety of possible designs. Syllabus, lecture notes, assignments, exams, and links to related materials. By Michael J. O'Donnell, University of Chicago.

Programming Principles I

For computer-related majors, with no programming experience assumed. Problem-solving and structured program design. Syllabus, calendar, assignments, and links to related materials. By Kristine L. Rudin, Eastern Washington University.

Programming Principles II

Advanced topics, multi-dimensional arrays, records and recursion. Structured program development and problem-solving. Syllabus, calendar, assignments, and links to related materials. By Kristine L. Rudin, Eastern Washington University.

Semantics of Parallel Programming Languages

Concurrent systems, e.g., parallel programs that describe sets of collaborating processes. Three such tools are the UNITY model of parallel program design by Chandy and Misra, Lamport's Temporal Logic of Actions, and Milner's Calculus of Communicating Systems. Syllabus, lecture notes. By Wolfgang Schreiner, Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria.


In German. Lecture notes. By Hans-Peter Bischof, State University of New York, Oswego.

Software Documentation

Creating support material (manuals, help files, and Web-based material) for software. Syllabus. Calendar. Lecture notes. Assignments. By Albert Goodman, Deakin University, Australia.

Software Engineering I

Software life cycle. Methods and tools for analysis, design, and specification of large, complex software systems. Project documentation, organization and control, communication, and time and cost estimates. Syllabus, assignments, self-assessments, and links to related materials. By Dennis W. Butler, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo.

Software Engineering II

Continuation of Software Engineering I. Syllabus, assignments, self-assessments, and links to related materials. By Dennis W. Butler, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo.

Software Quality Assurance

Concepts of software quality, the means for defining measurable quality characteristics, and techniques for ensuring that quality is present in software products. Syllabus, calendar, assignments, and links to related materials. By William S. Junk, University of Idaho.

Special Topics: Virtual Reality Hardware and Software

Delivered entirely over the Internet. Virtual reality hardware and software, evaluation techniques, and applications. Listserv and online conference center. Syllabus. Calendar. Links to related materials. By Veronica Pantelidis, East Carolina University.

Structure of Programming Languages II: Types, Modules, Classes

Syntactic and semantic features of modern programming languages and their impact on language design. A rational reconstruction of imperative languages such as Pascal, Ada, and Modula-3 and functional languages such as scheme and ML. Syllabus and lecture notes. By Wolfgang Schreiner, Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria.

Survey Of Computing

Computer hardware, software, and networking. Word processing, spreadsheet and basic data communications. Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Office 97, Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, and e-mail. Syllabus. Calendar. Lecture notes. Assignments. Exams. Grades. Student work. Links to related materials. By Glen J. Jenewein, Clackamas Community College.

Survey Of Computing

Hands-on word processing, electronic spreadsheets, data base management and graphics. Syllabus. Calendar. Lecture notes. Assignments. Exams. Grades. Student work. Links to related materials. By Glen J. Jenewein, Clackamas Community College.

Systems Administration

Emphasis on UNIX systems. Includes an HTML textbook. Syllabus, assignments, exams, and links to related materials. By David Jones, Central Queensland University, Australia.

Systems Analysis and Design

Taught primarily via the Web. Classroom attendance is required only for exams. Syllabus, calendar, and readings. By Michael Walters, University of Houston.

Theory of Computation

Investigates the nature of computation, apart from any particular computing devices or programming languages. Develops mathematical models of computation and uses these to investigate and characterize the inherent limitations of computing. Syllabus, calendar, assignments, exams, and links to related materials. By James A. Foster, University of Idaho.

Topics in Technical Programming: HTML and Java

Introduction to the Java programming language. Syllabus, calendar, assignments, and links to related materials. By Bill McCarty and Steve Gilbert, Azusa Pacific University.

Various classes

List of all computer science classes, some with links to a course syllabus, which includes course description, grading policy, assignments, and texts. By faculty, Purdue University.

Various classes

Links to several classes, including Data Structures and Programming, Computer Architecture, and Computer Graphics. Class notes, schedule, texts and readings, grades, policies, projects, and lecture notes. Some class notes are published separately. By faculty, University of California, Davis.

Various classes

Course syllabi for over 25 classes. Course goals, prerequisites, readings, and a course outline of topics. By faculty, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Various classes

Real-Time and Systems Programming, Software Design, and Computer Organization courses. Syllabus, assignments, exams, and links to related materials. By Christopher Vickery, Queens College of CUNY.

Various classes

Includes Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Computer Graphics, Introduction to Parallel Computer Architecture, and Programming Languages. Syllabus, class notes and handouts, and assignments. By faculty, Carnegie Mellon University.

Various classes

Includes classes on C, X Windows, image processing, and computer graphics. Searchable course notes and program listings. By faculty, University of Cardiff, Wales, UK.

Various courses

Materials for various courses. Syllabus, calendar, assignments, grades, student work. By faculty, Red Wing Technical College.

The Virtual University

Reviews the field of "virtual universities". Students develop a plan for a virtual university. Entirely online—no lectures. Syllabus, calendar, lecture notes, assignments, grades, student work, e-mail archive, and links to related materials. By Roy Rada, Washington State University.

Windows 95: Beginning and Intermediate

Eight-hour introduction to Windows 95. Syllabus, lecture notes, and assignments. By Tracy Marks, Cambridge Center for Adult Education.

World Wide Web Development

Web page and program development and the underlying networking technology. Hypertext mark-up language (HTML), Common Gateway Interface (CGI), and Perl and JavaScript programming languages. Web page style and design, multimedia, and performance issues. Syllabus, assignments, and links to related materials. By Michael K. Mahoney, California State University, Long Beach.