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Chantal's char pages

I know this page is fugly, but I'm not planning on giving people this address (by the way, I made the wallpaper...I think it's pretty cool >_<). Only direct them straight to the character pages. This is just because I hate the basic angelfire index page which is all about advertising for Angelfire :D

You probably:

a) Stumbled here by accident

b) Visited one of my pages and got curious (tsk!)

c) hmm...nope...that's it, really. In any case, this page is useful in that now, anyone wanting to know more about me and my rping habits can easily know. And also, I can just send people here when I'm being recruited and want to use one of my currenty homeless characters. Simpler than having to fill out an entire application sometimes. Anyway, if you see one of my chars as homeless and think you can give them a home, feel free to try to recruit me :) the address for it is: (without spaces) c c b @ g a t e w o r l d . c o m

My Characters

Now, the nifty stuff (with prettier pages)

The USS Rainbow Bright (or Winnie's page)
The CoB's Office (McLaughlin)
My Favorite Posts