My Home Page

If you don't find what you are looking for or need help finding something I will find it for you. Just e-mail me at the address below and within a day or two It'll either be on my website somewhere or e-mailed directly to you. For that you will need to leave your e-mail which will be kept in confidence and will not be passed onto anyone. I would also be grateful for any suggestions you may have. It does not have to corrispond with anything currently on the site.

About Me
Education (learning)
Kinder Surprise (Codes)
Lincs FM Top 200 (all time top 200 chart songs)
Links (some of my favorite sites)
Lyrics (song words)
Quiz page (a couple of quizzes to test your knowledge)
Wordsearch (looking for words in a box)
Story page (some stories for you to read)
Scripts (words to plays and films)
Star Trek
