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Warhammer 40K Black Templars

Welcome to the Chapter Keep of Jaros II, my web page devoted to Warhammer 40,000 and my Black Templars Space Marines Army. As for who I am, my name is Richard M.J. Jarosz, and I am a novice Warhammer 40K player. This site will grow and develop as my hobby and gaming interests grows and develops.

The history of the Black Templars can be traced back to the Imperial Fists defense of the Emperor's Palace during the Horus Heresy. After the Traitor Legions had been defeated it was decided that the loyal Space marines should be split into smaller Chapters. Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists, reluctantly agreed and so the Black Templars were created. Since this time the Black Templars have been on the greatest and longest crusade the Imperium has ever known to prove their loyalty to the Emperor

Chapter Motto:  "No Pity! No Remorse! No Fear!"

I play at;
Jersey Shore Hobby Center

Week 1 - 500 points
Scenario: Beacon                            Opponent: Space Marines
Vow: Suffer Not the Unclean to Live
Results: Won!
Week 2 - 500 points
Scenario: Escort mission                    Opponent: Raven Wing
Vow: Suffer Not the Unclean to Live
Results: Won!
Week 3 - 500 points
Scenario: Crystal Clash                      Opponent: Eldar
Vow: Suffer Not the Unclean to Live
Results: Lost by one figure. The vow did not work because I could not close with his units.
Week 4 - 1000 points
Scenario: Meat Grinder                      Opponent: Ultarmarines
Vow: Accept Any Challenge, No Matter the Odds
Results: Won by one figure! We did not read the scenario special rules and that cost him the game. Note to self: Read the Scenario CAREFULLY!
Week 5 - 1000 points
Scenario: How Much, How Fast             Opponent: Tyranids
Vow: Suffer Not the Unclean to Live
Results: Won!
Week 6 - 1000 points
Scenario: Head of the Snake                Opponent: Space Marines
Vow: Uphold the Honor of the Emperor
Results: Lost! But the vow's 6+ invulnerability worked great against Lascannons!!!
Week 7 - 1500 points
Scenario: Hunt for the SPKTR               Opponent: Necrons
Vow: Suffer Not the Unclean to Live
Results: Won by one figure more than the Necrons in the Objective! The vow worked very well!!!
Week 8 - 1500 points
Scenario: Ambush                             Opponent: Space Marines
Vow: Accept Any Challenge, No Matter the Odds
Results: Won as the defender!? The attacker got all his reserves on the second turn but I make quick work of them!
Week 9 - 1500 points
Scenario: Rear Guard                         Opponent: Dark Angles
Vow: Accept Any Challenge, No Matter the Odds
Results: Won! The vow worked very well, but it was tough to engage!!!
Week 10 - 2000 points
Scenario: Hostage Retreival                Opponent: Alpen Guard (Space Marines)
Vow: Accept Any Challenge, No Matter the Odds
Results: Lost! TLost all my Vechiles on the first turn again!? But I still had the hostasge at the end of the game.
Week 11 - 2000 points
Scenario: Last Stand                         Opponent: Raven Wing
Vow: Uphold the Honor of the Emperor
Results: Won! Found it worth while to shot at the Land Speeder and not close assault them!?
Week 12 - 2000 points
Scenario: ??                                    Opponent: ????
Vow: ????
Results: ????????


Visit my Warhammer Warband site York's Orcs
Work - Lone Keep Internet
and my Mordheim Page for the Green Tourists

Gallery of some of my figures
and others at the Jersey Shore Hobby Center
Click on each picture to see more detail. The files are large so it may take a while to download.
For more pictures of the Black Templars  click here!

Warhammr 40K Black Templar Chaplain
Chaplain O'Hara
miniature © Games Workshop Ltd 2003-2004. All rights reserved. Used without permission - model painted by Richard and Karen Jarosz

Warhammer 40K Black Templar Assault Marine
Assault Marine

Warhammer 40K Black Templar Initiate

Warhammer 40K Black Templar Neophyte


Warhammer 40K Grey Knight
Grey Knights

Warhammer 40K Grey Knight

Grey knight miniatures © Games Workshop Ltd 2003-2004. All rights reserved. Used without permission - model painted by Cody Couture

Warhammer 40k Grey Knight

Lord of the Rings Dwarf Lord
Dwarf Lord

Warhammer 40K Space Marine
Is that a close combat weapon?
miniatures © Games Workshop Ltd 2003-2004. All rights reserved. Used without permission

Lord of the Rings Balin

My Army Lists | Links | Tactics| Additional Pictures

This web site is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.

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