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There was just not enough room on my other pages so I am adding more links of importance.GOD bless! I'll start out with a google search on False Apparitions.Some have decided against Garabandal and Medjugorje and the many new visionaries.The true test is time, though dicernment from GOD helps.Compare the ratings the Catholic Church gives to what the other sites dispute as true mystics and visionaries.The VATICAN APPROVAL RATINGS site tells this. It takes many many years for approval by the Catholic Church. It takes the death of the saint before they are formally approved. Here are some bible scriptures on dreams and visions.(NASB)Numbers 12:6 He said, "Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you, I, the LORD, shall make Myself known to him in a (5) vision. I shall speak with him in a (6) dream. 7 "Not so, with (7) My servant Moses, (8) He is faithful in all My household; 8 (9) With him I speak mouth to mouth, Even openly, and not in dark sayings, And he beholds (10) the form of the LORD. Why then were you not afraid To speak against My servant, against Moses?" All of Jerimiah 23 is good. Here is Jerimiah 23:28-32 "The prophet who has a dream may relate his dream, but let him who has (62) My word speak My word in truth. (63) What does straw have in common with grain?" declares the LORD. 29 "Is not My word like (64) fire?" declares the LORD, "and like a (65) hammer which shatters a rock? 30 "Therefore behold, (66) I am against the prophets," declares the LORD, "who steal My words from each other. 31 "Behold, I am against the prophets," declares the LORD, "who use their tongues and declare, 'The Lord declares.' 32 "Behold, I am against those who have prophesied (67) false dreams," declares the LORD, "and related them and led My people astray by their falsehoods and (68) reckless boasting; yet (69) I did not send them or command them, nor do they (70) furnish this people the slightest benefit," declares the LORD Joel 2:28-32 28 "(65) It will come about after this That I will (66) pour out My Spirit on all (67) mankind; And your sons and daughters will prophesy, Your old men will dream dreams, Your young men will see visions. 29 "Even on the (68) male and female servants I will pour out My Spirit in those days. The Day of the LORD 30 "I will (69) display wonders in the sky and on the earth, Blood, fire and columns of smoke. 31 "The (70) sun will be turned into darkness And the moon into blood Before the (71) great and awesome day of the LORD comes. 32 "And it will come about that (72) whoever calls on the name of the LORD Will be delivered; For (73) on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem There will be those who (74) escape **********************************************************************************************************Are You Possessed? In his 1972 book Satan is Alive and Well on Planet Earth Hal Lindsey offers a number of tips for "diagnosing demonic possession." Here is a rundown of some of his telltale signs: Occult Powers—"Be wary of those who have psychic powers," he writes. The ability to foretell the future could be a "gift of discernment from God," but can also be a "counterfeit from Satan." Necromancy—Mediumistic communications with the dead are generally a "demonic deception," whereby the demon is impersonating the deceased person. Change in Intelligence—When a demon is exerting influence over an individual there may be a "sudden or sporadic increase in the person's intelligence." He cites Hitler as an example. Increased Strength— "I saw a demon-possessed man at Berkeley with such superhuman power it took six men to hold him down," Lindsey notes. "Filthy" Uncontrolled Swearing—The compulsion to "blaspheme the name of God and Christ" can in tandem with other symptoms be a sign of demonic influence. --L.L.

Devine Mercy/False Apparitions/how to discern the truth

Did Jesus rise from the dead? (scholars)
Peter& Simon the Magician 1
Peter vs Simon Magnus 2
False Apparitions List
True and False Apparitions(9 TRUE APPARITIONS)
False Apparitions
False Apparitions/Apostasy
Kathleen Keating-apparitions
Visionaries and Visions
Churchs Position - Medjugorje
Churchs Position - Medjugorje
Garabandal News
Garabandal - Convincing Evidence
Garabandal - Qs and As
Interview at Garabandal - Video
Last Trumpet-Tribulation Views