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Hi, My name is Chris Steil, this is my first year on the BAK. I chose the route K, for no real apprent reason. I had a lot of fun and rode about 600 miles. Here are pictures and some stories of what my days were like... I cant wait till next years. I use to make web pages but im just throwing this one together for this event... Go check out

Day 1.
The bus Ride
I woke up at 4:50am, wow, I loaded the van and we were off to get on the bus. I walked to were everyone was at and then found my bus, and I got a name tag to. It really felt weird. I was on this bus all alone, knowing nobody. It was really quiet at the beging of the ride as we progressed through kansas, the bus stared comming alive. We talked about moutain lions and cyotes, raddle snaked and excess debre of cow trucks. We stoped for lunch in Salina and Dick and Jim sat with me. we talked about why we were going on the trip. After that everone fell asleep and we woke up at about 6pm in Johnson City. We unloaded the Gear and I started setting up camp.

This is Jim and Dale. Dale looks like my freinds dad.

This is Me, a guy, Jim and Dale outside the court house.

This is Me outside my tent. If you look Close you will notice I didnt put the rain fly on good. It rained that night and all my stuff got soaked. it was horrable.. random storms lol...

This is a girl named chelsea. Her and her dad took us to the boarder. She is the sweetest girl ive met and im try to get her to go next year.

This is us in the trailer. ken is in the orange.

This is me on the colorado border. Notice the Jacket. yeah it was very cold.

The next day we stoped at the wind farm it was very interesting