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  WELCOME! She's here!!! Well, I guess you can tell it's a she given that I've changed the coloration on the website. You can go to her birth announcement page to get the information I know you're looking for. Mom and baby had a tough time with a long delivery, but made it through and are doing just fine!!!
  We especially want to thank our Doula, Joanne Osalkowski (member of the Doulas Of North America) for her great support and assistance through the entire process!!! She made this whole process much more bearable and much less stressful than you could possibly imagine. If you are planning on a baby, make sure you get a Doula.
  In the following pages, you will find the latest ultrasound and (eventually) photograps for you to download! There is also a progress update on the nursery-in-construction ("Dad's Mission"), and of course, the baby pool page called "Guess the Dimensions!"
  We know we'll have a great deal of phone calling to do; but rest assured, we'll get to you!!!
  If possible, check this site out using Explorer 5.5 or later... especially the "Dad's Mission" page.