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USS Avalon, NCC-3002

The USS Avalon is a Star Trek role play by email ship that operated from July 2001 through January 2002 within Independence Fleet. She was commanded by Vice-Admiral Charles Star and Captain Sutak, respectively. During her 7 month run in Independence Fleet, the Avalon saw 557 posts, 9 posting awards, and 2 posting titles.

All-Time Posting

Post Archive #1 | Post Archive #2

July 2001 | August 2001 | September 2001 | October 2001 | November 2001 | December 2001 | January 2002

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"Star Trek" is a registered trademark of Paramount Pictures. The USS Avalon is not endorsed by, authorized by, or affiliated with Paramount in any way. This site does not sell ads, collect fees, or sell merchandise of any kind. The USS Avalon is for entertainment and enjoyment purposes only. No copyright infringement is intended.

All original site and story content is the property of the former crew of the USS Avalon.

April 25, 2020: This website has been left as it was 18 years ago. Independence Fleet still exists but at a new address.