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Programming Logs
RedCarOwner's Hobbies 

Last Updated: 09/18/2003 23:59

Dungeons & Dragons Downloads

    This website is going to be my log of my progress of my programming episodes.... or at least I thought it was going to be. Since I've started this website, I've had a change of heart and have discovered a few things. One of the things I have discovered is that keeping a programming diary is not very entertaining. So, with that in mind, I decided to slowly change the website to things that currently interest me. Perhaps I'll even update my website more often.

About me:

I currently attend University of Maryland, Baltimore County (Last Semester).
My current interests are programming. Any type of programming.
This website is my current interest. Hopefully, this website will evolve into something truly worth seeing. Otherwise, a year from now this website could possibly still be the same.
I also have a few gaming interests. They include Star Wars Galaxies, Xbox games and Xbox live. I haven't been able to get Star Wars Galaxies because I my damn cable company doesn't offer cable internet to my apartment complex. That is the least of my problems since my computer can't even run the game. Of course, no high speed internet also means no Xbox live.
I am finally married to my beautiful wife, which I have been dating for four years.
I have recently became interested in Pen and Paper game called Dungeons & Dragons. I purchased the 3.5 core books out of boredom when I was visiting my in laws.

Things that I plan to do:

Work on this website.
I plan to integrate php (even if it means finding a host that supports it).
I also plan to incorporate MySQL to add some truly remarkable things (hopefully).
Make a web page for new Star Wars Galaxies and maybe some pages dedicated to Xbox live clans.

(sort of) Mirrored WebPages:

My Angelfire account -
My Geocities account - 

Don't ask me why I keep two public domain accounts open. I really have no idea.

My DnD Projects

WebPage Log | PHP Enabled WebPage | C/C++  | Java | Unix/Linux | Lisp

Chat Stuff | Algorithms | myClasses

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