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Your intended target is not around.
> Hp: 11129(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 259656(16400000)    (--) 
Temple Entrance. [n].
> Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 259656(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 259656(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 259656(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 259656(16400000)    (--) 
t Teveshszat hold on..gonna wait one or two min and see if they defend..ffs itīs cl they must defend
You tell Teveshszat: hold on..gonna wait one or two min and see if they
         defend..ffs itīs cl they must defend
> n
You walk confidently further into the castle.
pk bob
pk ahab
pk mirth
You appear from the shadows.
Temple of Chaotic Evil. [n,s].
> Temple of Chaotic Evil. [n,s].
> Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 259656(16400000)    (--) 
Temple of Chaotic Evil. [e,s,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
> Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
> Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
> Ok, you hide in the shadows.
> move curtain
pk bob
pk ahab
pk mirth
You appear from the shadows.
Grand Stairway. [u,out].
> Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
> Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
> Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
> Ok, you hide in the shadows.
> u
You appear from the shadows.
Grand Stairway. [u,d].
> Grand Stairway. [n,u,d].
> Grand Stairway. [n,s,d].
> pk bob
pk ahab
pk mirth
Ok, you hide in the shadows.
> You appear from the shadows.
Inner Sanctum of Chaotic Evil. [ne,s,nw].
> Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 259656(16400000)    (--) 
Inner Sanctum of Chaotic Evil. [sw,nw].
> Inner Sanctum of Chaotic Evil. [se,sw].
Two Worm Demodands are here.
Ornate Mirror.
> Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
> Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
> Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
> Ok, you hide in the shadows.
> x
You begin casting Ebon Darts.
You begin casting Globe of Darkness.
You prepare to whirl Worm Demodand.
You leap from the shadows!
> You mold the element of  shadows into your dart and hurl it at Worm Demodand
watching in  satisfaction as it forms 2 shadowy darts.
Worm Demodand writhes in agony as you bore through it with your weapon.
You tear Worm Demodand into bits with your arcane assault.
Worm Demodand writhes in agony as you bore through it with your weapon.
You tear Worm Demodand into bits with your arcane assault.
You weave a spell, and drop a globe of darkness onto Worm Demodand's head!
You leap at Worm Demodand with a whirlwind attack!
Worm Demodand writhes in anguish as you slit it open.
You club Worm Demodand in the face with the pommel of your sword.
Worm Demodand writhes in anguish as you slit it open.
Hp: 11140  Gp: 3160  Xp: 263848
Hp: 11140(11140) **  0 ** Gp: 3160(3375) Xp: 263848(16400000)    (--) 
Worm Demodand attacks blindly, landing but a glancing blow!
org /darken/ I have %^RESET%^BOLD%^WHITE%^KEELD%^RESET%^BOLD%^RED%^ Worm %^RESET%^at : > Inner Sanctum of Chaotic Evil. %^GREEN%^[se,sw]
org /darken/ I have %^RESET%^BOLD%^WHITE%^KEELD%^RESET%^BOLD%^RED%^ Worm %^RESET%^at : > Inner Sanctum of Chaotic Evil. %^GREEN%^[se,sw]
Ok, you hide in the shadows.
[Teken'duis] Aresius : (in darken) I have KEELD Worm at : > Inner Sanctum of
             Chaotic Evil. [se,sw]
> You begin casting Ebon Darts.
You begin casting Globe of Darkness.
You prepare to whirl Worm Demodand.
You leap from the shadows!
> Ok, you hide in the shadows.
> You appear from the shadows.
You mold the element of  shadows into your dart and hurl it at Worm Demodand
watching in  satisfaction as it forms 2 shadowy darts.
Worm Demodand writhes in agony as you bore through it with your weapon.
You tear Worm Demodand into bits with your arcane assault.
Worm Demodand writhes in agony as you bore through it with your weapon.
You tear Worm Demodand into bits with your arcane assault.
You weave a spell, and drop a globe of darkness onto Worm Demodand's head!
You leap at Worm Demodand with a whirlwind attack!
Your weapon darts through the air towards Worm Demodand, biting into its chest.
Worm Demodand writhes in anguish as you slit it open.
You club Worm Demodand in the face with the pommel of your sword.
Worm Demodand writhes in anguish as you slit it open.
Worm Demodand screams in horror as its flesh dissolves into pools of blood.
Hp: 11140  Gp: 2950  Xp: 275367
Hp: 11140(11140) **  0 ** Gp: 2950(3375) Xp: 275367(16400000)    (--) 
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
org /darken/ I have %^RESET%^BOLD%^WHITE%^KEELD%^RESET%^BOLD%^RED%^ Worm %^RESET%^at : > Inner Sanctum of Chaotic Evil. %^GREEN%^[se,sw]
org /darken/ I have %^RESET%^BOLD%^WHITE%^KEELD%^RESET%^BOLD%^RED%^ Worm %^RESET%^at : > Inner Sanctum of Chaotic Evil. %^GREEN%^[se,sw]
Ok, you hide in the shadows.
pk bob
pk ahab
pk mirth
[Teken'duis] Aresius : (in darken) I have KEELD Worm at : > Inner Sanctum of
             Chaotic Evil. [se,sw]
> Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
> Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
> Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
> h
Ok, you hide in the shadows.
> Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 2955(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 

Xaktsaroth smirks at you.
Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3030(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3105(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 

Teveshszat nods at you.
cow xaktsaroth
You turn Xaktsaroth into a cow.
You appear from the shadows.
> Ok, you hide in the shadows.
> Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3170(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
Inner Sanctum of Chaotic Evil. [se,sw].
Two Corpses of Worm Demodands.
Ornate Mirror.
> f bob
Login name : Bob                   Real name : Francis       
Email :
Location : Oregon, USA
It is a Duergar Pirate.
First logged on Fri Mar 29 00:17:54 2002.
63 days, 9 hours, 24 minutes old.
On since Tue Feb  4 23:42:10 2003.
Idle for 1 minute, 8 seconds.
All mail read.
Xbox tag: Mrdogleg

> f ahab
Login name : Ahab                  Real name : Ahab th' Arab
Email :
Location : //Classified//                                                      
he is a Whirling Dervish!                                                      
He is married to Drew Barrymore (Hotty!)
First logged on Mon Oct  7 18:35:52 2002.
10 days, 8 hours, 40 minutes, 42 seconds old.
On since Tue Feb  4 20:46:32 2003.
Idle for 6 seconds.
All mail read.
URL:     Check it out! -
Project: chicken pot, chicken pot, Chicken Pot PIE!

Locations traveled to during  Operation Enduring Freedom so far:
> Spain - Rota Naval Air Station
> Italy - Signolla Naval Air Station
> Germany - Frankfurt-Rhein Main Air Base
> Germany - Ramstein Air Base
> Former Republic of Yugoslavia - Pristina Air Field, Bosnia
> Uzbekistan - Karshi-Khanabad IAP
> Afghanistan - Baghram Air Field
> Afghanistan - Kandahar Air Field
> Turkmenistan - Ashgabat Air Field
> England - Midlenhall Royal Air Base
> Turkey - Incirlik Air Base
> Canada - Gander Air Base

> Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3245(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
f ahab
Login name : Ahab                  Real name : Ahab th' Arab
Email :
Location : //Classified//                                                      
he is a Whirling Dervish!                                                      
He is married to Drew Barrymore (Hotty!)
First logged on Mon Oct  7 18:35:52 2002.
10 days, 8 hours, 40 minutes, 46 seconds old.
On since Tue Feb  4 20:46:32 2003.
Idle for 10 seconds.
All mail read.
URL:     Check it out! -
Project: chicken pot, chicken pot, Chicken Pot PIE!

Locations traveled to during  Operation Enduring Freedom so far:
> Spain - Rota Naval Air Station
> Italy - Signolla Naval Air Station
> Germany - Frankfurt-Rhein Main Air Base
> Germany - Ramstein Air Base
> Former Republic of Yugoslavia - Pristina Air Field, Bosnia
> Uzbekistan - Karshi-Khanabad IAP
> Afghanistan - Baghram Air Field
> Afghanistan - Kandahar Air Field
> Turkmenistan - Ashgabat Air Field
> England - Midlenhall Royal Air Base
> Turkey - Incirlik Air Base
> Canada - Gander Air Base

> Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3320(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
t ahab not going to defend?
You ask Ahab: not going to defend?
> Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
Holding : Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted
          Demonic Boabdil, Sword of Kings
          (Storm Bonded) (left hand and right hand).
Wearing : a Armour Set of Nightian, consisting of a Ultimately
          Gnomishly Insulated White Greaves, a Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated
          Elite Helmet, a Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Opal Ring, a
          Gnomishly Weightless Opal Ring, a Gnomishly Weightless Fluffy's
          Choker, a Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Shoufa, a Ultimately
          Gnomishly Insulated Gauntlets of War, a Ultimately Gnomishly
          Insulated SpellBreaker, a Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Diamond
          Mail Shirt, a Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Swan Cloak, a
          Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated White Steel Bracers, a Ultimately
          Gnomishly Insulated Gnomish Steel Toed Safety Boots, a Ultimately
          Gnomishly Insulated White Magi Robe, a Ultimately Gnomishly
          Insulated Pendant of the Eternal Flame, a Ultimately Gnomishly
          Insulated Mail Skirt and a Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Warrior's
          Belt and a Shadow Armour.
Carrying: Blue Healing Potion.
          Three Leather satchels.
          Mana Potion.
          Storm Dragoness Bag.
          Fluffy Toy Pig.
          Many Ebon Darts.
          Eight Black Rose Petals.
          Two Gate Keys.
You have 135 items in your inventory.
Your purse contains only moths.

He is surrounded by a mass of webs.
You are protected by an Abysmal Shield.
Aresius is in a heightened state of combat awareness.

You are currently hidden.
> Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 

[Derimacheia enters the Realms of the Dragon]
Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
pk bob
pk ahab
pk mirth
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
> Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
> Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
> Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 

The strong smell of the unburied corpse might attract scavengers.
Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 

The strong smell of the unburied corpse might attract scavengers.
Inner Sanctum of Chaotic Evil. [se,sw].
Two Decayed remains of demons.
Ornate Mirror.
> Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
f bob
Login name : Bob                   Real name : Francis       
Email :
Location : Oregon, USA
It is a Duergar Pirate.
First logged on Fri Mar 29 00:17:54 2002.
63 days, 9 hours, 25 minutes, 20 seconds old.
On since Tue Feb  4 23:42:10 2003.
Idle for 54 seconds.
All mail read.
Xbox tag: Mrdogleg

> Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
f mirth
Login name : Mirth                 Real name : Him
Birthday : 22nd of March           Email :
Location : The Heart of Chaos [n]
He is an Orcan Shaman.
First logged on Tue Jun 26 23:14:38 2001.
73 days, 10 hours, 59 minutes, 54 seconds old.
On since Tue Feb  4 19:02:18 2003.
Idle for 4 minutes, 15 seconds.
All mail read.
Project: Go away.
No plan.

> who
----------------------======] Realms of the Dragon [======---------------------
                            Wed Feb  5 00:29:14 2003                           
---------------------------------] Immortals [---------------------------------
Andramalius  Michuri      Ralia        Vincent
----------------------------------] Players [----------------------------------
Aetius       Darr         Elwyn        Khrolndar    Redwolf      Trapsinger
Ahab         Derimacheia  Ember        Lucifer      Rork         Xaktsaroth
Anyo         Derrick      Ethan        Marduk       Safh         Xeracia
Aresius      Doren        Farra        Minion       Shio         Zaitan
Balian       Draken       Gambit       Mirth        Shollin      Zyranyth
Bob          Elditch      Gimli        Morik        Skrellet     
Ceodin       Eleanore     Gropos       Rajaat       Synth        
Cullen       Ellennarre   Grummlik     Rand         Teveshszat   
-------> There are four immortals and forty five players in the Realms. <------
> Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
t teveshszat they defend?

The unburied corpse of a demon has decomposed into dust.
You ask Teveshszat: they defend?
> Your web shield is starting to dissipate.

The unburied corpse of a demon has decomposed into dust.
Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
f farra
Login name : Farra                 Real name : Farra Lia'Ve
Birthday : 27th of November        Location : CU Boulder, CO                   
She is an Elven Priestess.                                                     
She is the Sul'linari of Clan Liorinin.                                        
She is the Assistant Guildmaster of the Priests Guild.
First logged on Sat Feb 12 20:37:29 2000.
124 days, 7 hours, 58 minutes, 49 seconds old.
On since Tue Feb  4 22:51:31 2003.
She is not idle.
All mail read.

             fairy tale endings ...

> Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
Your web shield loses enchantment and dissipates into nothingness.
Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
Inner Sanctum of Chaotic Evil. [se,sw].
Ornate Mirror.
> Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
f ahab
Login name : Ahab                  Real name : Ahab th' Arab
Email :
Location : //Classified//                                                      
he is a Whirling Dervish!                                                      
He is married to Drew Barrymore (Hotty!)
First logged on Mon Oct  7 18:35:52 2002.
10 days, 8 hours, 42 minutes, 54 seconds old.
On since Tue Feb  4 20:46:32 2003.
Idle for 2 seconds.
All mail read.
URL:     Check it out! -
Project: chicken pot, chicken pot, Chicken Pot PIE!

Locations traveled to during  Operation Enduring Freedom so far:
> Spain - Rota Naval Air Station
> Italy - Signolla Naval Air Station
> Germany - Frankfurt-Rhein Main Air Base
> Germany - Ramstein Air Base
> Former Republic of Yugoslavia - Pristina Air Field, Bosnia
> Uzbekistan - Karshi-Khanabad IAP
> Afghanistan - Baghram Air Field
> Afghanistan - Kandahar Air Field
> Turkmenistan - Ashgabat Air Field
> England - Midlenhall Royal Air Base
> Turkey - Incirlik Air Base
> Canada - Gander Air Base

> Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
f bob
Login name : Bob                   Real name : Francis       
Email :
Location : Oregon, USA
It is a Duergar Pirate.
First logged on Fri Mar 29 00:17:54 2002.
63 days, 9 hours, 26 minutes, 18 seconds old.
On since Tue Feb  4 23:42:10 2003.
Idle for 16 seconds.
All mail read.
Xbox tag: Mrdogleg

> Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
pk ahab
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
> Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
who bob
----------------------======] Realms of the Dragon [======---------------------
                            Wed Feb  5 00:30:36 2003                           
----------------------------------] Players [----------------------------------
Bob th' Supreme Ravaging Bastard o' th' High Seas, High Lord of Chaos and
-------> There are four immortals and forty five players in the Realms. <------
> Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
who ahab
----------------------======] Realms of the Dragon [======---------------------
                            Wed Feb  5 00:30:40 2003                           
----------------------------------] Players [----------------------------------
Ahab the Shadow Warrior, Chaotic Highlord of Assassination (Hairfoot of
    Homestead Throgmorton). 
-------> There are four immortals and forty five players in the Realms. <------
> Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
Inner Sanctum of Chaotic Evil. [se,sw].
Ornate Mirror.
Teveshszat tells you in darken: Dwarves?
Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
t Teveshszat aye
You tell Teveshszat: aye
> ef

You are protected by an Abysmal Shield.
Aresius is in a heightened state of combat awareness.

You are currently hidden.
> Hp: 11140(11140) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 

Ahab leaps from the shadows!
pk bob
pk ahab
pk mirth
Ahab launches with lightning speed a dim mak strike kata at
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Ahab hits you extremely hard on the top of your head.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Ahab beats you extremely brutally about the head and shoulders.
You step aside letting the blow land next to you.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Your bones crunch as Ahab lands a devastating front-kick on you.
You leap from the shadows!
Your nerves feel like they are burning, and when the pain subsides you feel

Ahab rips an invisible rift in space and leaps through it!
You are hunting Ahab
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
> Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
> Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
Teveshszat tells you in darken: Maybe there are 2 maxxed Smiths on
pk bob
pk ahab
pk mirth
Ok, you hide in the shadows.
> Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
> Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
> Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sh
> Your intended target is not around.
Name : Aresius                         Wisdom        : 14
Race : drow                            Hit Points    : 7651 (9180)
Sex  : male                            Guild Points  : 3375 (3375)
Guild: Warriors                        Social        : 451 (451)
Level: 405                             Total money   : 0 GP
Wimpy: 0 %                             Experience    : 280343
Strength      : 25                     Total xp      : 298019934
Dexterity     : 20                     Maximum xp    : 16400000
Constitution  : 18                     Encumbrance   : 350 (1900)
Intelligence  : 23                     Deaths        : 3 (7)

Alignment:  You are malevolent

You know the following spells:
ebon dart                              globe of darkness
summon shadow armour                   heroism

Your current commands are:
unhide             sneak              countermeasure     fix
judge              hide               whirl              skills
Hp: 7655(9180) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
t ahab BAH!
You tell Ahab exclaiming: BAH!
> Hp: 7667(9180) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
You get a Blue Healing Potion from leather satchel.
You get a Blue Healing Potion from leather satchel.
You get a Blue Healing Potion from leather satchel.
You drink the potion.
You feel totally refreshed!
You put a Blue Healing Potion in leather satchel
You put a Blue Healing Potion in leather satchel
You put a Blue Healing Potion in leather satchel
Teveshszat tells you in darken: Cullen and Elditch
Hp: 9180(9180) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 

Ahab tells you: ";)"

[Rajaat left the Realms of the Dragon]
Hp: 9180(9180) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
t ahab sneak bitch
You tell Ahab: sneak bitch
> Hp: 9180(9180) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 9180(9180) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 9180(9180) Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 280343(16400000)    (--) 

Shio shouts: PEACE!

A sudden flash catches your eye!
t ahab 18 in con now ;(
You tell Ahab: 18 in con now ;(
pk bob
pk ahab
pk mirth
> Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
> You begin casting Ebon Darts.
You prepare to whirl .
You leap from the shadows!
You begin casting Globe of Darkness.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are kinda busy right now.

You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
> You step aside letting the blow land next to you.
You catch the attack against your weapon and turn it aside.
You dive and roll underneath Someone's attack ending up behind him.

Ahab leaps from the shadows!
You mold the element of  shadows into your dart and hurl it at Ahab watching in
satisfaction as it forms 2 shadowy darts.

An image of Ahab disappears as it is hit!

An image of Ahab disappears as it is hit!

An image of Ahab disappears as it is hit!

An image of Ahab disappears as it is hit!
You leap at Ahab with a whirlwind attack!

An image of Ahab disappears as it is hit!

An image of Ahab disappears as it is hit!

Ahab's Blood Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You club Ahab in the face with the pommel of your sword.

Ahab's Blood Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Ahab writhes in anguish as you slit him open.

Ahab's Blood Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Ahab screams in horror as his flesh dissolves into pools of blood.
You weave a spell, and drop a globe of darkness onto Ahab's head!
Hp: 9180  Gp: 3160  Xp: 281471
Hp: 9180(9180) **  5 ** Gp: 3160(3375) Xp: 281471(16400000)    (--) 
pk bob
pk ahab
pk mirth
You cannot hide while you're in combat!
> Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
> You begin casting Ebon Darts.
You prepare to whirl Ahab.
Your target already has a globe of darkness!
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are kinda busy right now.

Your intended target is not around.
> pk bob
pk ahab
pk mirth
Ahab attacks blindly, landing but a glancing blow!
Ahab attacks blindly, landing but a glancing blow!
Ahab dodges your attack.
Ahab dodges your attack.

Ahab's Blood Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Your acid burns Ahab beyond recognition.
You mold the element of  shadows into your dart and hurl it at Ahab watching in
satisfaction as it forms 2 shadowy darts.

An image of Ahab disappears as it is hit!

Ahab's Blood Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You blast Ahab severely with your arcane assault.

Ahab's Blood Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You skewer Ahab.

Ahab's Blood Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You blast Ahab severely with your arcane assault.
You leap at Ahab with a whirlwind attack!

Ahab's Blood Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Your weapon darts through the air towards Ahab, biting into his chest.

An image of Ahab disappears as it is hit!

That was Ahab's last Duplicate.

Ahab's Blood Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You club Ahab in the face with the pommel of your sword.

Ahab's Blood Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Ahab writhes in anguish as you slit him open.
Hp: 9180  Gp: 2990  Xp: 283433
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 2990(3375) Xp: 283433(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 2990(3375) Xp: 283433(16400000)    (--) 
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
> You begin casting Ebon Darts.
You prepare to whirl Ahab.
You cannot create a globe of darkness around that one so soon.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are kinda busy right now.

Your intended target is not around.
Ahab begins to concentrate.
pk bob
pk ahab
pk mirth
Ahab attacks blindly, landing but a glancing blow!
You dodge the attack.
Ahab attacks blindly, landing but a glancing blow!

Multiple images of Ahab suddenly appear.
Ahab dodges your attack.
You mold the element of  shadows into your dart and hurl it at Ahab watching in
satisfaction as it forms 2 shadowy darts.

An image of Ahab disappears as it is hit!

An image of Ahab disappears as it is hit!

An image of Ahab disappears as it is hit!

An image of Ahab disappears as it is hit!
You leap at Ahab with a whirlwind attack!

An image of Ahab disappears as it is hit!

Ahab's Blood Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Ahab writhes in anguish as you slit him open.

Ahab's Blood Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You club Ahab in the face with the pommel of your sword.

An image of Ahab disappears as it is hit!

That was Ahab's last Duplicate.
Hp: 9180  Gp: 2820  Xp: 284013
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 2820(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 
org /darken/ I have %^RESET%^BOLD%^WHITE%^KEELD%^RESET%^BOLD%^RED%^ Ahab %^RESET%^at : Inner Sanctum of Chaotic Evil. %^GREEN%^[se,sw]
org /darken/ I have %^RESET%^BOLD%^WHITE%^KEELD%^RESET%^BOLD%^RED%^ Ahab %^RESET%^at : Inner Sanctum of Chaotic Evil. %^GREEN%^[se,sw]
Inner Sanctum of Chaotic Evil. [se,sw].
Ghost of Ahab is here.
Corpse of Ahab.
Ornate Mirror.
> Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
> Sorry, Ghost of Ahab is already dead!
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Sorry, Ghost of Ahab is already dead!
> Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
Your intended target is not around.
[Teken'duis] Aresius : (in darken) I have KEELD Ahab at : Inner Sanctum of
             Chaotic Evil. [se,sw]
> Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 2870(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 2945(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 
You flex your muscles.
Ahab says: "shit, forgot the entrance command"
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3020(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3095(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3170(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3245(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3320(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 
t Teveshszat one down..
You tell Teveshszat: one down..
> Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 
f bob
Login name : Bob                   Real name : Francis       
Email :
Location : Oregon, USA
It is a Duergar Pirate.
First logged on Fri Mar 29 00:17:54 2002.
63 days, 9 hours, 28 minutes, 46 seconds old.
On since Tue Feb  4 23:42:10 2003.
Idle for 16 seconds.
All mail read.
Xbox tag: Mrdogleg

> Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 

Teveshszat tells you in darken: Nice
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 
Inner Sanctum of Chaotic Evil. [se,sw].
Ghost of Ahab is here.
Corpse of Ahab.
Ornate Mirror.
> You say: ack
> Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 

[Minion left the Realms of the Dragon]
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 

Ahab says: "bah, shoulda waxxed you, couldn't remember if it was mirror or
           statue i had to enter ;)"
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 
You say: hehe
> Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 
Inner Sanctum of Chaotic Evil. [se,sw].
Ghost of Ahab is here.
Corpse of Ahab.
Ornate Mirror.
> Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 

Ahab prays to Mirth, asking for reconciliation.
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 

[Derrick left the Realms of the Dragon]
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 
'dident notice ye abducet ye self..first then i saw A sudden flash catches your eye! started to spamm and out you came..
You say: dident notice ye abducet ye self..first then i saw A sudden flash
         catches your eye! started to spamm and out you
> Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 
Hp: 9180(9180) **  0 ** Gp: 3375(3375) Xp: 284013(16400000)    (--) 