FREE Christian Gospel Tracts!
Order on the form below.

There are currently three Human Bean Gospel Tracts available.
The Gospel Tracts are printed on two sided 20# bond paper, 8.5" x 11",
which can be folded to conveniently carry in your pocket.
Please click on the picture below for a preview of the tracts:

Gospel Tract 1

Gospel Tract 1

Gospel Tract 2

Gospel Tract 2

Gospel Tract 3

Gospel Tract 3

Gospel Tract 4

Gospel Tract 4

Gospel Tract Directions

How to get your free tract(s):
Fill out order form below. If you would like a church or other
logo inserted onto the tract please E:mail the image to me at
the email address below. I will insert it at no cost onto the
Gospel Tract. 100% FREE! On Gospel Tract #2 we will put the
name of your fair or event in the title. Simply put what you
want written on the form below. We will then e:mail the Gospel
Tract requested to you. You-Print-'em. You are then free to print out as many
as you need to outreach for Jesus Christ in your neighborhood!

We appreciate your desire to spread the Gospel!
This is a fledgling Christian enterprise; please tell others about this website!

If you have any questions or comments please e:mail Bob:

Copyright © 2007-2014 Bob Leone. All rights reserved.