"Please allow me to ask you one more question.
Suppose that you were to die tonight and stand
before God and He were to say to you, 'Why
should I let you into my heaven?' What would
you say?"
Your Future Awaits!
"If your answer is:
I try to do the right thing
most of the time."
Your Future Awaits!
"If your answer is:
I am trusting in Jesus alone
to get into heaven."
Your Future Awaits!
"If your answer is:
God is a loving God and He
will let everyone into heaven."
Your Future Awaits!
"If your answer is:
I believe in reincarnation."
Your Future Awaits!
"If your answer is:
I try to follow the teachings
of my church or religion"
Your Future Awaits!
"If your answer is:
I follow my own beliefs."

Copyright © 2009 Bob Leone. All rights reserved.