
The Dreamers is a story about the Dreams and Choices all of us make during our lifetime. We Dreamers always make these choices with the best of intentions. Sometimes we use our head and sometimes our heart. At decision time, we never think we are about to make a mistake, yet we do all the time, sometimes with serious, life changing consequences.

Such is the case for Bob Lollar and Billy Alan, two very gifted and talented athletes. Both have potential to play major league sports and come from families with strong moral backgrounds.

One chooses to help others, forgoing his Dream for the time being. The other chooses, spitefully, to do what he thinks is best for himself. The results turn out badly, even while trying to do a good turn for his new community.

The other finds his dream about to be fulfilled after years of putting others before himself. His sacrifice early on in his life helped many others, but then a "break" gives him a second chance to fulfill his own dream.

This is a story of love lost and love found in most surprising ways. It also tells that trying to "get even" does not always work out. Redemption often times can only be found when we admit to our failings and missteps.

After reading the Dreamers maybe you will think about your next decision. Making the right choice may take more soul searching and more time. That could be a good thing. Time will only tell in a world full of "DREAMERS".

Enjoy, James A. Tavegia

Comments from readers of The Dreamers:

Mark Robbins: "The Dreamers was an easy, very entertaining read. The characters were real, believable, and the dialogue seemed to be the way real people talk. I was immediately drawn into the sports aspect of the book and the descriptive nature of the sports scenes being real. The issues of morality and character were not over-done and as in real life depicted as difficult to deal with. An honest and enjoyable read."

Marsha Smith: "I enjoyed the love interest between Bill Alan and Gloria James and the believability of the characters had me pulling for them at every turn. I am not much of a sports person, but did enjoy the descriptions of the baseball games being played. I thought it was easy to get to know each of the characters and understand their points of view. Very relaxing. Entertaining and easy to read. Strong character portrayals."

Diane Weldy: " Reading has been a great love of mine since childhood and I was "hooked" on "The Dreamers" after only the first few pages! I began reading and I couldn"t wait to see what was going to happen next! Billy and Gloria were some of the most "real" characters I"ve ever met in a book. Their story and others within the book are spellbinding. This would make a great movie.


The author, Jim Tavegia was born in August 1947, the first child of a young Christian couple. His father contracted polio and died when Jim was only seven. Jim's young mother was left with three small children. His grandparents moved in to provide the much needed stability.

Because of his mother's and grandmother's strong faith and involvement with the children and volunteer work in their local church, Jim grew to love the Lord at an early age. Jim's grandmother was the church secretary for their home church.

His love of baseball is in spite of his being a 'Cub' fan since 1952 and wishing he had been a major league player. Jim has been known to say that when he dies, he wants to be cremated and his ashes sprinkled on the infield at Wrigley Field. The Dreamer's is the by-product of that 'love'.

Jim is a former Army Military Intelligence Officer and a former legislator serving in the State House of Representatives. Jim has been in industrial sales management for over 30 years. Jim is completing his second Christian-based novel, "Old Friends", for release in early 2008.

Jim and his wife Diane, have been married 37 years and have three adult children and a young son, Nick, who is 12. Jim and Diane also have four grandchildren, with one in heaven. They reside in a sleepy town due west of Atlanta.

The Dreamers: 213 pages, 8.5"x11", double wire bound, soft color cover.

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