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© 2004

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G'day and Welcome
to my
Family Pages and Albums.

My name is Barry ( Dad, Poppa or Blue, depending on our relationship. )
That's me above and if you run your mouse over I'll say G'day. The reason
for this page is that I started gathering historical information about our family.
The web seems to be a great way to store that information and to also share it
with family and friends. As some may find family history a boring subject,
I have included in these pages links to a variety of subjects that I hope you
will find informative and keep most visitors interested.

I suggest that you have the speakers turned on so as to be able to listen
to the unique calls of some of the Australian birds mentioned on each page.
I know, I know, each page takes a little time to load, be patient.
As you wander through these pages, take your time, put the billy on
for a cuppa and make yourself at home, for you are very welcome.

Current Brisbane time and temperature.
Click for Brisbane, Queensland Forecast

Western Red Kangaroos resting by a desert waterhole.

Here you find our Australian Silky Terrier, Bronnie, messing
about, but on each page she will be helping to guide you through the site.