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Welcome to Greece

On March 8th, 2001, 13 students and 2 teachers, well a teacher and her husband, loaded into a plane to set off for Greece.
Chris, Tom, Billy, Jeff, Hasnein, Amanda, Jen, Steph, Kristy, Jillian, Lauren, Allison, Susie, Miguel and myself were off for lands only taught to us in history textbooks.
After a 2 hour delay, and an 11 hour plane ride due to an unexpected stopover in Montreal, we finally arrived and our adventures began.
Here is the journal of my travels.

But before you begin, please remember, not everything is up yet, so bear with me, it should be all done by April 14, with exceptions of those things which are always being added on.

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8

And then after a 2 hour delay, and a 9 hour plane ride, we were back home in slightly cooler temperatures than accustomed to.