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Tropical Tortoise Tours
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Special Itineraries make Real Adventures...
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Welcome to the homepage for 3TTravel!

Follow the links and explore the pages to learn who we are (a family-oriented travel group) and what we do (travel as a group to get discounts)!

Geof Lane is a former Dive Master and naturalist guide in the Galapagos Islands National Park, Ecuador. For more than 10 years, he has been working and leading adventures to "Darwin's Islands" and the mainland of Ecuador.

He is fluent in Spanish and also the author of the first field guide to SCUBA diving in the Galapagos. Today he leads trips on a family-oriented basis- that is, he helps find small groups of travelers that are just big enough to get group discounts, but small enough to retain 'one-on-one' personalized service. 3T travelers take 3 or 4 star vessels only, preferably on newer yachts and sailboats.

Hammerhead sharks are an added bonus for divers. (click to enlarge)

Travel in 2003!
4-star vessel, best available itinerary!
Includes SCUBA and horseback riding plus hot-springs!

Check out the yacht for 2003!
Only 4 spaces left!

Check out the Lammer Law! Travel in style!

One of the sites we like to visit

 Click to enlarge!                                             all images © 2002 3TT and may not be used without permission

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