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100th Marine Strike Group
"Strike Fast, Strike Hard"


1st Battalion, 1st Brigade, SFMC

Starships... The backbone of the United Federation of Planets' exploration and defence fleet (known as STARFLEET). Beautiful, awe-inspiring vessels that glide effortlessly from star system to star system. Every officer and enlisted crewmember in the Fleet is justifiably proud to serve on any starship.
But, there's more...

The most overlooked aspect of the Federation's defence is the vital need for specially trained ground forces to operate on a planet - instead of from orbit. The mighty ships of STARFLEET have the power to devastate a planet, but are incapable of quelling a riot. They can level entire cities with phaser energy, but can't stop a civil war. They can take on twice their number of adversaries, but can't destroy a specific enemy entrenchment. Starships have incredible capabilities, but there are simply some things they will never be able to do. Fortunately, the STARFLEET Marines can!

The STARFLEET Marines. Just the name sends chills down the collective spine of hostile commanders throughout the galaxy. The enemies of the Federation know that an attack on the Federation or on any of her people will not go unnoticed or unanswered. While the ships of STARFLEET battle them in space, the STARFLEET Marines will pound them on the surface. Marines are specially trained for planetary operations of every kind - from covert landings to full-scale defensive warfare. With a fully equipped and well trained aerospace flight corps to support both stellar and lunar operations, the Marines provide a complete offensive/defensive package.

The Marines are the Federation's best weapon against an enemy presence on a member world - are the only hope for removing any enemy that manages to gain a foothold.

As a Marine affiliated Capital Mk III - Class Heavy Fleet Control Ship, the USS INDIANA provides a unique and formidable element to any Task Force or Fleet Operational Force that may be assembled by STARFLEET due to the large Marine Detachment (MARDET) that is posted on board.

This MARDET is the 100th Marine Strike Group; a multi-tasked Ready Response Force made up of light infantry unit; aerospace fighters and support craft; and support crew. Each of the differing sections give the ability for the 100th MSG to provide a valuable and highly efficient and highly effective strike force or ready-reaction force to any military situation.

As a combined unit, the 100th is able to provide a wide-ranging military resource that is quite capable of consigning an array of highly trained, well equipped troops, in either full company strength, down to a single operating Marine.

The 100th is a valuable asset to the Task Force role in which we are operational and we are proud to be the military arm of the mighty USS INDIANA.

So! with having explained that . . Welcome to the 100th Marine Strike Group; 1st Battalion, 1st Brigade, STARFLEET Marine Corps (SFMC). The SFMC is an affiliate of STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. If you feel you have what it takes to be a Marine in one of the best units in the Corps, contact the Office-In-Charge Lieutenant Colonel Jimmy Nelson.

If you're onboard the USS INDIANA, you are always more than welcome to stop by and see what we're up to, just hop on the turbolift, and come on down to Deck 8.

STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. / STARFLEET Marine Corps / USS INDIANA / Region 1 / 100th MSG's TO&E / Unit Guidelines / 100th MSG Roster



Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek Enterprise and all associated marks and characters are registered trademarks of CBS/Paramount Television. All rights reserved. The use of anything related to "Star Trek" on the 100th MSG's web site is not meant to be an infringement on CBS/Paramount Television property rights to "Star Trek."

Site created, and maintained by Lieutenant Colonel Jim Nelson, SFMC-Reserves