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whut got u here:

check up on these:


Gender: Female
Know - how: bitchin' my ass off when i want to..
hoppin' around like everythings sweet..
creepin' an apathetic life..
Hobbies: fields. clubs. movies. arts.
shops. books. smokes. and my bed! !

do u know me? ? u must not.. snoopin'? ? go ahead..
this is my own cradle.. shit and stuff.. like me
or not.. i dont give bull. anywho. chill.



prayd over at tatays crypt. miss him bad. i know he's lookin' awt for me thou.. so all u bastards don't mess w me! !

stayd awt for 5hours playin' monopoly and i suckd. fun times.

went home for an early practice tom.. kickin'! !
whoever finds me an adidas shinguard: 3d anatomic lite.. am gona love u for life.. pleeeeeeease..



nothing bad has happened today.. nothing nice either.

spent my day more like in a trance.. spent most of the time reading my book. it's a novel but i'd rather categorize it as a psychiatric one.. it talks abt madness and everything around it.. am startn' to think i could be well one of the characters! ! sike. i have yet to discover my madman potentials.. maybe in time..

friday night's in a few hours! ! darn. i don't think i have cash to spare.. but whut the heck. i'll find my way thru.. no buzz..



today was a lot better. no fights. no worry. xcept that i still haven't got a job! ! darn. oh well. life's tough. at least it aint gettin' worst! !



holy lord. life has given me three straight days of misery! ! now am thinkin' whut have i been cursed for.. fuck it. am juz gona sleep and hope for better days..



anxiety. i need a fuckin' job nooooooooow! !

anguish. i wanna run away before 'it' gets worst..

itching. stupid rashes on my arms. knee. and back. allergy? ? can i juz die?@*#!



fucked up day for me! ! was awt by the first hour of the day but after i had a cup of coffee i realized i couldn't keep myself awake.. i had to go back home and juz forget its saturday nite.. i passed awt the minute i lay on my bed! !

got back up at 630a 4football practice only to fry myself under the burnin' sun as a keeper.. hung awt a bit and got my shin a slash.. took a bath and found awt my dog chewed on a 900bucks charger i got less than a month ago! ! that bitch. whut makes it more fuckd up. my phones totally draind off bat! !

slept for 4hrs and went to church. prayed. he came.. i thought twas sweet.. until i found awt abt his shit.

now its past 2a.. maybe i should call it a day..

i hope tommorow doesn't get any stinkier.. sigh.