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Deeper Life

This website was created just for the purpose of boasting on the greatness of God. To also talk about the unending love that God has for us. God sent his son, his precious son, to this Earth to be punished for our sins. Christ died for us...he was beaten...cursed at...and then nailed to the cross in his underwear while people gawked. He loved us so much...that he sacrificed himself like a sheep to the alter for US!!

I pray that if any good comes from this site...that it does not come from the words that I write on this computer...but from the Lord...and only from the Lord...I pray that God works through this website...and that this website will glorify him...listed below are the links to different parts of this of them is my testimony...I wrote this just to talk about what God is doing in my life right now...please feel free to email me....

My Testimony

other links of interested:

Steven Curtis Chapman
