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Welcome To The Spires Family Home Page

Hello and welcome to our page.A little about us.We live in Southeast Tennessee and have been married since 1994.We both enjoy life and make the best of what comes our way.My name is Chuck and my wife's name is Melanie,and we invite you into our world here online.If you want to learn more about us and follow our life's adventures we invite you to read on and come back often as I will be updating this site often with info and pictures. We have a number of pets that we love as our kids.They each have there own ways as you will learn here. If you are into genealogy then there will be a little about our prospective family trees here also.If you feel that you would like to contact us for some reason then please do so here. So now if you would like to tour our site and learn more about us then please look around and give us a holler sometime.

-----------Updated 01/06/02-------------

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