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America is for Peace

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Hello. My name is James Walter-Card. I have no qualifications. I am a Student at the University of California Santa Barbara. Please feel free to use anythign on this web site as long as it is propperly attributed.

Here are my views about some important political issues:

1) The death penalty is necessary in order to deter criminals. It has been empirically proven time and time again that harsh and predictable disciplinary techniques can reduce crime by a) keeping criminals off the street and 2) reducing the incentive to commit crimes in the first place.

2) Abortion, in all forms, is murder. Any being has the potential to become a citizen of mankind has rights that cannot be taken away by anyone. Anyone who kills a fetus is a murderer and should be punished as such. There is no question.

3) Terrorism is the most pressing problem facing the world to day. A uniform and robust strategy for national security is key. National standards are necessary because they 1) allow for better application of intelligence information through centralized command and control 2) ensures uniform conformity with the rules which minimizes weak spots in our security grid 3) sends a clear message to those who would do us harm which reduces the incentive to attack 4) facilitates in the coordination of resources 5) facilitates application of those resources resources 6) ensures that federal agents have consistant and amiable working conditions to conduct investigations all accross a country. Furthermore, since there will always be some communities, such as those found in the North East, that believe constitutional rights are more important than the integrity of our lives and this country, it will always be necessary to maintain national standards, so that people who do not wish to contribute are forced to do so.

4)Free trade rocks.

I will add more later.