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I am Vernon LE, what is there to know about me ? hahahaha Why am I putting this web page together? Well it's a way to kill time, and meet new friends and also it will help in my computing skills.  My motives are simple; try to surpace my colleagues; Binh Lieu, Thonhmy Giang Alex Dinh, Huy Lam, Tee Lim....  etc. We are good friends were we aid each other and give advice. I now take studies in Cabramatta High School where I enjoy my school life here! I am currently trying to get my studies up and trying to take my life easy yet work hard. I am trying to build a successful future by trying to change my paths and behavior. I had converted into a gangster since my school work went down and encountering new friends. Well I can't blame my-self for the friends i have, well it's c'ya for now! and thanks.

By: Vernon Le