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Holder & Associates ®

Specializing in Employee Life and Health Benefits




We would like to take this opportunity to "Thank you" for visiting our company's web site. We feel you will find this information very valuable along with a wonderful asset for your company and your employees, as other businesses have discovered.


Holder & Associates have over 25 years of experience with employee benefits packages. We feel in today's market, we are able to meet the needs of not only the employers but the employees too. We are located in Nashville, Tennessee and serve our clients throughout the southeast U.S. Our staff members are qualified specialists in employee benefits; They are friendly, prompt, along with being service orientated with claims and questions.


One of the biggest concerns that Employers are faced with daily are the Employee Benefits Packages and what is available for their employees. At Holder & Associates, we are announcing for the first time in our company’s history an agreement with 28 Different Health Insurance Providers that will provide the “Lowest Premiums” along with the “Best Benefits” for our clients. The employer now has available several options for Cost Containment Measures, some of these are; A Fully Insured Plan, A Partially Self Funded Plan, or The Fully Self Funded Plan. For further information regarding these plans along with many others, please contact Holder & Associates at the E-mail Address Link located at the end of this page.


Another question frequently asked by other employers is; “What happens to the Employee’s Life Insurance Benefits if they should leave my company due to unforeseen circumstances?” Our answer is, “Individual Permanent Life Insurance.” An example of this would be as follows; He or She will be able to continue their “Permanent Life Insurance Benefits” even if their employment ceased. The rates would remain the same, the amount of benefits applied for would remain the same, and the cash values that have accumulated would be the same too. The only difference would be the billing process; instead of having the premiums deducted through their employer’s Payroll Deduction system, they will have the options of either being billed through their automatic checking account or be billed at home. However, on the other hand, if the employee continues his or hers employment with your company the premiums would be deducted from the employee's payroll beginning as low as $2.00 per week. This will be at "NO CHARGE or EXPENSE” ever to the employer. Another problem when applying for Permanent Life Insurance is, the employees health history maybe poor causing this employee not to be eligible for this benefit or their type of employment is considered “High Risk, Dangerous”, etc. which sometimes causes decline of this benefit; However with our company, the employee is guaranteed the Life Insurance Benefit applied for regardless of their health problems, or the type of employment they may have (including high risk occupations) providing their employer has a minimum of 50 employees the employee will be eligible for this Permanent Life Insurance Benefit.


If you would like further information regarding any of these Benefits please feel free to contact us at our e-mail address located below and one of our staff members will promptly respond to your inquires.


Again, Thank you  for visiting our web site and we do hope you have enjoyed this valuable information and facts for your Company and your Employees.

For Further Answers to Your Questions; Please Click Below on Our E-Mail Address



Background Lyrics:

"America: Why I Love Her"

Performed  By: John "Duke" Wayne