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The Ten Commandments of Re-enacting:

    I. Only God, your family, and sometimes your job should be before re-enacting.

    II. Thou shall not take the name of the Lord, thy God, in vain, no matter what stupid mistake the guy next to you makes.

    III. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, regardless of how long the service gets or how many other things need to be done.

    IV. Never work on re-enactment things more than six days a week, burn-out is a serious problem. Thou shall not criticize leadership unless you nominated, voted, ran yourself or have been in their moccasins for a year.

    V. Honor thy father and thy mother and always respect the other units' members. Recruit hard, but never from someone else's unit. If someone from another unit asks to join yours, make sure and know if your unit can correct the things that he is unhappy about.

    VI. Thou shall not kill - the person or his reputation. Judge all re-enactors by their love for the hobby. Maybe you would not want someone in your unit but respect them for their interest in a shared hobby.

    VII. Thou shall not commit adultery or interfere with another units business. Instead thou shall improve your own impression every year.

    VIII. Thou shall not steal except from movie sets that they were going to burn anyway. The honor and honesty we have all shown is something we can be proud of.

    IX. Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Thou shall not start rumors, half-truths or false-hoods Do not believe rumors, half-truths, or false-hoods until you have check them out.

    X. Thou shall not covet the neighbors house, nor tent, nor bigger field pieces, nor horse-trailer, nor new musket, nor anything that is thy neighbors. Save and buy one yourself.

"Last Updated... 05-28-2002"

Copyright © 1999 by Scott's Battery

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