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Tonya's Website

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                NOTES FROM ME:
April 13th, 2005
  • I added some pictures to my Main Pix page today, they are from last summer, but they're cute and weren't put up yet (at least I don't think so). Yesterday was the 12th!

    February 23rd, 2005

  • I put up another page of pictures and added a video to this main page... that's all for right now, maybe more in a while...

    October 4th, 2004

  • WOW! I finally got my lazy self around to fixing this dump up! Doesn't look too bad, does it? If you think something's wrong, lett me know. I tried to keep the font all the same, but this box was too hard to read so it had to be changed her. Anyways, my birthday is in 14 days, big whoopie! Yeah.... like I'm doing anything special, that'll be the day.... Btw, credit for the bg does not go to me, it goes to: Blue-Swirl.

    April 14th, 2004

  • I just updated this main page to be all butterflied up! I love it!

    April 4th, 2004

  • I added this new image above. I thought it was cute!

    March 28th, 2004

  • I found these awesome mood dollz at, so I decided to use them on my site. I figure that eventually I will get around to making sort of a diary page on this site, instead of using Teen Open Diary, and I will be using the mood dollz for sorta of an entry starter each time I write. Kinda cool, huh? Anyways, today's mood is "Summery," due to the weather out here in California. It's still Winter, yet it's perfect hot weather, I love it!

    March 10th, 2004

  • Okay, to start out: when you sign my guestbook, don't be one of those corny people who don't leave any information, just putting your name is so dumb, what's the point? I really like getting info. back and just comments or whatever, just leaving a name is pointless. Anyways, on another note: I am so glad it's sunny again! I can put the pants away! Random, I know, but that's me for ya.

    February 2nd, 2004

  • First day of school.... unfortunately. It poured down rain, my jeans were soaked up to my knees until I got home. There's at least 6 more weeks of winter.... damn gopher.... don't see your shadow next time. Anyone watch the superbowl halftime show? Funny stuff, that's all I have to say.... funny stuff.

    January 22nd, 2004

  • I added the Some Handy Tips page to my Reads page. It's pretty awesome! Go check it out!

    January 21st, 2004

  • I changed the music on this page to Kelis - "Milkshake"!

    January 20th, 2004

  • I put up my About Me Survey page on my About Me page!! Go read it!!

    January 14th, 2004

  • I added my Pictures of Chekotah page (that's our dog). So go take a look! I also, added and took off a few little things on this page (not much though).

    January 8th, 2004

  • I finally added my Christmas 2003 Pictures page ( it took like 2 weeks for me to actually do it, but hey, it's done now, so go check it out!!)!!

    December 26th, 2003

  • I took off "My Carebears Page" to make more space.

    December 13th, 2003

  • I changed My Page around a lott! So, go take a look!

    December 12th, 2003

  • I added my Words To Live By page! Go check it out and sign my guestbook if you have any you want added, just leave it in the comments box and with whom to give credit to! David and I are exactly one month away from our 2 years anniversary! Yay, go us, it's 23 months today! I updated my About Me page! Go check it out! Also, if you have any suggestions and such, feel free to leave a note in my guestbook, or e-mail me!! The link is right there!! ~~>

    December 9th, 2003

  • I finally updated, after almost a full 6 monthes! Whoops! Anyways, I've been busy with my job at Long's (woo hoo - sarcasm), and College, and just life. I added a new front page picture, changed the music around on my front page and "My Page," and I changed around my colors on this page as well.

    July 3rd, 2003

  • I added my presents page and I also updated my awards page. I added my link to a bunch of link sites, so I may or may not get hits, hopefully more people will visit and sign the guestbook and so on and so forth, eventually I will get an add-your-link site of my own, but like I said.... eventually.

    July 2nd, 2003

  • This is my updates section now. I just started it today, I don't know how often I will update my site, so here's how you can check what it is I have done! Today I added this and my site awards page, and I also changed the colors on this main page a little, I got sick of the pink, so I changed it to white; and I added music that actually works to this page and My Page. You like? I do!

  • Last Updated: February 23rd, 2005