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Last Updated           04/17/2004 03:41:55 PM

The Beginning.

Welcome To Warezinfo, in this site you will learn about your computer's security, what it does, and how to protect yourself from people who want to see your files. As we all know, sad, but true, there is no true way of being 100 percent protected but, the percentage is high enough that hackers find it hard and time consuming to actually get to a protected user.  As the world advances through the years. so will security and so will hackers.

There are 3 kinds of hackers. One kind is the lust for error, these types are not after your files but are after your errors, not that they want to break into your computer, its the simple reason that they can.



The second type are the kind that want your files. They look for specific files in your computer such as password lists otherwise known as .pwl files, credit cards, social security numbers ect. they usually take them without warning, yet there are the cocky type who like to format your computer for you when they sucked you dry of your valuable information (asshole move, happened to me once) they then take the information and use then as thier own personal pleasure, or trade them online for something they need.



The third kind are the hackers who protect us. They work for the government and  are usually independent. Like bounty hunters these people work and live their life off of under the table cash. If ever a hacker or hacking crew is needed. they are on call 24/7 /365 and get paid well for their job. Whether their job be finding and reporting another hacker  or being used for spying on other companies, that is what they do.

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