I Update The Site At Least Once A Week...So Keep Coming Back To See Whats New! :)

WEDNESDAY JANUARY 8, 2002 - Sorry its been so long! Just had a lot of stuff going on and yea. Hope everyone had good holidays! Mine were great! I got everything I wanted for Christmas, well almost everything. :) Wish I coulda had Megan here, but I can wait till next summer! :) Its really not that far away....seems like forever though! Anyways, Im gonna try and keep things updated on here for awhile at least :) Hope everyone had a Happy New Year!

SUNDAY OCTOBER 27, 2002 - Changed the Fun Stuff page a bit, got rid of some old quizzes and put some new ones on there. Added another page, all about the most wonderful girl ever! hehe *S* Still trying to figure out what else I can do to the site...any suggestions would be appreciated! LaTeRs! XoXoXo~Kim

WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 23, 2002 - I've changed some more things...I combined the two Picture pages, thought it would make that a little easier. And I moved some of the links from the main page to the More Links page and I've added some more on to there...and I've updated some pages too. I'll get some more done this weekend or whatever..hehe LaTeRs!

MONDAY OCTOBER 21, 2002 - I made some more changes to the site today, hope you like it! I stayed home from school sick today so I had some time on my hands...and if you would like to see anything else added just leave a note in the guestbook and I'll do my best to add it! *S* LaTeRs!

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