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NGCA Pictures

This is NGCA's fist ghost on film... this ghostly figure was found at Pleasent Forest Cemetary in Farrugut TN.

An undentified object that looks like a "UFO" but this has not been comfirmed as of yet. Once we get back the lab results we will post as soon as possible.

It looks like maybe some Ecto of some sorts forming right in front of us! This was taken at the Witches Circle in Kingston,TN! We are still Investigating this photo.

It's as clear as the nose on anyones face, you can clearly see the ingraved face on this tree, what does it mean? We don't know yet, but I can tell you it dates back to the year 1983!(see picture below for incarved date)

This one shows the date (circled in yellow) this date read: "10/11/83" and it appears to be a box around the initials "JR" this is unkown as to what it means or resembles!

An Orb a friend sent too me from her house. She said she has about 13 pics with orbs in them from her house!

A huge orb that flew by my face at Witches circle on March 22nd!

Some sorda light formation coming toward the camera at Pleasant Forest Cemetary!

It was a non foggy night so this must be some sort of Ecto Plasm or sumthin to that nature!

There was no pole or nothing in front of this house, but there is some weird pole like thing in the picture. We are heavily investigating this pic to find what this could be!
