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NGCA Equipment

This is a list of the equipment we use in the National Ghost Chasing Association

A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M.

A. Hygro Thermometer- This will show sudden temp changes, say if it's hot and it switches to cold right away then that is a sign of paranormal activity!

B. Digital Camera- This is the greatest Camera to have cuz you can review it right were you are and put it on the internet, plus it picks up orbs much better than film cameras!

C. MinI Alert- You can set this in a room were you are not in and an alarm will sound if it detects any movement!

D. Camcorder- Its best to have atleast two of these, one to set up at base and one to take with you, these can also pick up paranormal activity!

E. Digital Sound Recorder- This is very good to have to pick up EVP's and its best to have a digital one so you don't hear the gears that you would hear in a cassette recorder!

F. 2 Way Radios- These are good to have if you wanna spread out on an investigation and cover more ground!

G. Notepad- To keep a record of the picture you have taken, the tempatures, EMF readings noises, etc.!

H. Flash Lights- Of course you will need these too see in the dark. (bring some back up batteries with you)

I. First Aid Kit- This will be handy just incase of any injuries that may occur!

J. EMF Meter- This detects any type of Electricity that ghost put off. these are something every ghost hunter has!

K. Back Pack- This is good to have to carry your equipment from one place to another. Trust me its hard to carry it all in your hands

L. Rubber Glove- When investigating you will need to pick up some evidence and put it in a bag. Rubber Gloves are good to have cuz you never know what your touching!

M. Gladlock Bags- These are what you put evidence in after picking up with the rubber gloves!
