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No hacks of anykind are allowed! The first map played will be de_aztec, The person on the left hand side of the match on the bracket will chose CT or T first and will play to 10 For EX, on the bracket page it shows Bob vs Joe, Bob will get to pick CT or T first, and when it goes to de_dust Joe gets to pick CT or T, after you have played to 10 you will go de_dust and the other person will get to pick CT or T and you will play to 10, if each player wins one map, then you will go to the tie breaker map, which is cs_italy, on that map the person who got the most kills (added up on both aztec and dust) will get to chose what team they want. Ok ill do an example match. Bob vs Joe, Bob and Joe go into there game or an admins game (RTreDD or Redcorner) with the map on de_aztec and Bob picks CT, Joe goes T, The score ended up to be Bob: 6 and Joe: 10, now they go to de_dust and the score was Bob: 10 and Joe: 8, so now they to the tiebreaker map which is cs_italy and since Joe had a total of 18 kills and Bob 16, Joe will pick CT or T (if each player gets the same number of kills then my god ill put them on a team, sheez.) Joe wins 10 to 9 and RTreDD will fix the brackets so Joe moves on to play Sam! THIS WAS AN EXAMPLE FOR ALL U TARDS, if you have any questions email me or IM me Email:, IM: KawyRacer17