
Class of 1964

Alphabetical '64 Roster



The Fortieth (40th) Reunion of the Class of 1964 has been scheduled for Saturday, 31 July 2004, at Bluegrass Country Club.

If you wish to work on the Reunion, organizing, decorating, etc., please contact the following, to-wit:

Richard C. (Dick) Davis
5344 Stacey Springs Road
Springfield TN 37172

Tel: (615) 384-7026 or (615) 575-4014
Fax: (615) 451-1639

e-mail: or

The Reunion Committee is attempting to contact all class members. If you know the addresses of any of the following class members, please let us know, to-wit:

Mildred HUDGENS Anderson, Richard Birchett, Ronnie Bloodworth, Pat SMITH Brittingham, Mary CASSIDY Burkhart, Ronald Clark, Jo Anne HESTER Cook, Betty GREEN Creel, Carol Crosslin, Edward Curtis, Linda NEAL Dekle, Richard Dinkins, Linda JARMAN Earps, Trina Fama, Mike Flynn, Sandra Fox, Brenda McDANIEL Freecott, Mike Gann, Judy Gordy, Glenn Gregory, Jack Gunter, Judy CONNER Hackett, Robert Edwin Harper, Buddy Harris, Mike Hill, Jean MOSLEY Johnson, Katherine Ann Jolly, Reba Hawkins Kirby, Pat Reeves Kirby, Sandra Kreis, George Landis, Carolyn Mabe, Kay FAMBROUGH Manger, Pat Meek, Margaret Neno, John Norris, Mike Oliphant, Nancy HAYES Overton, Ronnie Pace, Shirley Chance Peach, Pat Pilkinton, Diana Ricketts, Penny JOHNSON Scott, Donna LORANCE Shealy, Sue CHANCE Shippey, Mike Stockard, Betty Jo Stubblefield, Jimmy Sutton, Wayne Tanksley, Bobby Vaughn, Charlotte GOFORTH Walker, Gayla GARLAND Webber, Bill Williams, and Charlie Williams.

Alphabetical '64 Roster Go Rams!