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Kays Website for National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Day

Hey! First of all, thank you for stumbling across Kay's website! This site has 2 goals: To spread general knowledge of the dangers of teen pregnancy, and to find support for National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy May 5th, 2004 particularly in Massachusetts.
While everyone knows that teen pregnancy occurs on our society, what many people don't know are the effects it has on the individual teen, their families and society as a whole. I'll be updating frequently, adding new stories, statistics, and insights about the issue.
If anyone can think of an organization, preferably regional but perhaps national, that'd be great!!!!
Continue to check in every now and then to look at the new features, and tell your friends! Any bit of support is helpful!
Check this!!!
Assuming a baby wears an average of 5 diapers a day, 365 days a year, one would have to work 83 hours a year in Massachusetts alone just to pay for diapers!!! According to federal minimum wage, one would have to work 109 hours!!! That's about the number of diapers that a toddler wears. For an infant, double the number for 10 diapers a day
The links section connects you to the main page for the national day, but also sites that provide general information, and links to pages that tell of personal stories about pregnant teenagers.
What I hope to have on this page
  • My Journal
  • Statistics
  • what you can do
  • Links
  • Tell your friends
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