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Welcome to Marisol's Page

My Pictures|Favourite Links|Books|About me


My Pictures

This is where I keep my pictures. They will be posted every now and then, when I get new ones. Some pictures are about people I know, or places I've been to. Feel free to go in and have a look

Favourite Links

Every now and then I stumble into a cool site, and want to share it with the rest of the world. But since I don't like spam or fwd msgs, I will post them here. Hope you like them as much as I do. If you have any cool new ones that you'd like to see on this page email me at


In the world of today it's not only tv and the internet. There's also BOOKS! Every now and then, there will be a summary of a book I've read, or someone I know. I'll try to do my best to keep a list of good books to read. Debbie will probably will be in charge of this link. Since she is the super reader of the group!

About Me

If you'd like to contact me, you can do so by email at: