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Hello and greetings from Ewing, VA (my small corner of the world). I live on a small farm and am a beginner in taking care of animals but I am learning one day at a time. I started out with one jennet and she died of some unknown cause. However, I decided not to give up and bought another jennet, Sally. Since then I have had some additions that I have had to sale and branched off into some other animals. I now have a few cows, two goats, and some chickens (including silkies and guineas).

Miss May is enjoying her day in the sun.

I am happy to finally hug the new edition!

Miss May sports her new sun visor. She knows she is a spoiled brat.

Liberty joined us on July 10, 2004! What legs!

This summer my females both gave birth! Sally gave birth first to Gracie Mae. She arrived on August 24, 2005. She has the sweetest personality and just wants to be loved on and played with all the time. She loves to eat crumbled up cookies right out of your hand.

Then Mae gave birth to Joy on September 3! She is so cute but Mae will not let anyone around her and she is afraid of everyone.

Well, I really hated to do it but I have sold Mae and her baby Joy. We were getting too many animals to take care of and I had back surgery on Dec. 30, 2005 so it was time to let go. Luckily for me, all my animals have been sold to people I know so I can go and visit. Now we just have Sally and her baby Gracie Mae. They were joined in January with a baby cow, Annabell who loves to play with them.

I have now acquired two pygmy goats, Smokey and Misty, who have joined our farm.

Here is my nosey little girl, Misty.

And here is my little boy, Smokey.

The chicken lot is getting fuller and fuller with chickens!

Here are three of the guineas doing what they like to do best - hunt for bugs!

I have now acquired four ducks. I'm not sure what kind of ducks they are (or maybe two are geese) but they sure are cute.

I also have a new baby kid born to Smokey and Misty. He was born on President's Day, Feb. 18, 2008, so we named him Abe. He is a cutie!

Oh well, you start out with just a few animals and soon you have a petting zoo. That's o.k. Life on the farm is always exciting! I would recommend it to anyone.