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Member Since:
August 17, 2000

Age: 23





From: Alaska, USA



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Welcome to <<HTML>>. I am your host frozen and I have been a member of BlackPlanet since February 21, 2000. I have a pretty decent background with computers and the internet. This page was created solely for the purpose of HTML tutorial. This tutorial will be very basic. Check the links at the bottom for more advanced HTML tutorials. I`ll be updating this page as BlackPlanet posts new aspects of HTML to be instructed. 

*Please keep in mind that I have made this page for usage in the BlackPlanet "Personal Message" environment. There is more to HTML than this. Like I said before, check the links at the bottom for more advanced HTML authoring*

To begin we`ll start with a basic introduction to HTML.  HTML stands for HyperTextMarkupLanguage. HTML is authored by using tags. HTML tags always begins and ends in brackets like these <  >. There are two different types of HTML tags, opening tags which are in this format "<b>" and closing tags which are in this format "</b>". Notice the  "/" in the closing tag. Keep in mind that certain tags and features are not compatible with all browsers. The tags in this tutorial are geared toward use with Microsoft Internet Explorer v4.0 and above.

EffectTagUsage Tips
Bold<b> Text </b>Using Bold text usually signifies something of importance when its among text that isn`t bold.
Italic<i> Text </i>Italic text generally implies emphasis on a word. For example "That man is crazy!" Whole pages in italics tend to look a little cheesy.
Underline<u> Text </u> Underlined text also implies emphasis on a word. However, it used much less than italic text.
Scrolling<marquee> Text </marquee>Using the marquee draws attention to something fast. Use it sparingly since a page full of scrolling marquees can tend to get annoying.
Blinking<blink> Text </blink>The same thing applies to blinking text that applies to scrolling marquees. Fine in moderation, annoying in excess. Also, the <blink> tag only works in Netscape. See the link at the bottom of the page to create the blinking effect in Internet Explorer.
The following text effects have a different kind of HTML tag than the ones above. The words you want the effects to apply to have to be included within a <font> </font>tag. For example, to change to a different font type the tag would look like this:

<font face = "Times New Roman">. See the difference in the font? </font>

More than one of these tags can be used at a time. If you wanted to change the font size and type of some text the tag would look like this:

 <font face = "Times New Roman" size = "4"> This text is BIG! </font> On to the tags. =)

Fonts<font face = "insert font name here"></font>

Some widely used internet fonts are: 

Arial, Arial Black, Comic Sans MS, Courier New, Georgia, Impact, Times New Roman, TrebuchetMS, Verdana

Keep in mind that not everybody has the same fonts and if you use a font that somebody doesn`t have, their browser will default to a pre-determined font and the effect you wanted might be lost.
COLORS<font color = "#_ _ _ _ _ _"> </font>

*Font colors are named with hex numbers. Fill in the #_ _ _ _ _ _  with a number from the color chart which is linked at the bottom. 

Some font colors can be named simply by stating the color. For example <font face = "purple"> Purple Text </font>. However the color names can vary widely. Using the hex method is much safer.
Size<font size = "#"> </font>
Inserting any of the numbers below in place of the # in the tag above will produce that size font.

Bigger font sizes usually imply importance. Most often sizes 2 and 3 are regular text, 4 and 5 are used for subheaders, and  6 and 7 are used as headers.
ColumnsColumns are a little more complex than the font tags above as they require the use of tables. Columns are generally tables with no rows. To create columns, use the following HTML code in the below right box which generates the table in the below left box:
<td>Text in the first Column</td>
<td>Text in the second Column</td>
Text in the first Column Text in the second Column

Remember to come back for the next HTML tutorial:
        -Working With Images-

If you find this page helpful, please let me know by signing the guestbook or gift me ;-).

Copyright ©2000 FrozenGraphiXS. All Rights Reserved. 

FAVORITE LINKS: HTML Goodies  Hex Color Codes and Chart  How to make the Blinking Text Effect for Internet Explorer  LissaExplains - HTML help for kids and beginners  Web Pages that Suck - Some examples of bad HTML usage  Webmonkey`s HTML Cheatsheet 

FRIENDS: frozen


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