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Kyorie Yasimoto


First/Real body: Kyorie Yasimoto, his life was that of war since birth. His mother had a power that could destroy an entire city at the snap of a finger. Her blood/family had to make a choice at a young age. To be a healer or to be a killer to have that ultimate power. His sister followed the path of thier mother a healer, never to kill even if her own life is threatend. His father though had other plans for Kyo having became obsessed with the idea that he could controle Kyo and his powers he started training Kyo to kill. Kyo took up the skill with great ease and soon his powers took the destructive form. An uncontrolable tempest formed in a child that always smiled and was always happy. Soon the contries his family bordored went to war. At the age of six a fight broke out near his home. The battle raged on untill his family got caught in the middle and his mother was speared. This drove Kyo off the deep end and he exsploded. His power destroying everything around including killing his father and all the soldiers. He woke up to a waistland all around him. He found the body of his father and mother but never found his older sister. As he wondered aimlessly into the destroyed battlefield he grasped the pendant his mother gave him the day before. Having been left in the waistland he made he was soon picked up and sold as a slave. He went through multible owners and had several scars and injuries. Broken bones, loss of blood, many things happened to him but he never gave way to cry out. The last day he was a slave his friend was killed. The only friend he had in the world died right infront of his eyes and he lashed out. Yet again making a waistland about him out of what used to be a castle. At the age of 13 up through 16 his life was wonderouse as he learned many new things about the world. He found his way to a clan by the name of Benzar in a new land he had never seen before. Close to the same time he met a woman named Raine that told him of a place he could possibly find out more about the pendant he had. He went to get information on it many times but found out little because of Raine being so busy. In the Benzar though he was learning much. Fighting tyles and techniques gallor. ~Second body: This one is more... strange, then anything else. Kyo got into a fight with a woman. He was loosing drasticly because he was careless. His body was torn to pieces by the end of the fight and there was no way he would suvive. For a twist the woman desided that she would spare his life. The only way she knew how was changing him. So she did... gender wise. He was changed into an angelic woman oddly enough. This form had some problems because he hid from most. After a great deal of trouble, he got Raine's essance to help him stay in a male form since he despised the new body of his. In the mean time of his missery Raine prepared to get him a new body. When he got the new body he caused a great deal of damage to Tarenthine. Damage that could be repaired, but he felt responcible for. So he desided to stay at Tarenthine to protect it. Soon after the Benzar clan fell apart and Tempest desided to join with Kyo in Tarenthine. ~~~~~~~~~Third/last body(hopefuly): This is the body that Kyo happyly calls his own. He resided within Tarenthine peacefuly. Eventualy he found out more about the jewel that rests around his neck. Recently he has been having dreams about a destruction. Not just that of others but his own powers tearing him apart alive. So he left the place he called home Tarenthine to find a way to unlock his powers and controle them. Even if it destroys him in the process. ~~~~~~~~~A turn of heart and fate: Recently Kyo has been having radicaly disturbing dreams. Dreams that are either a warming of the future or just his imagination. Having left the ruining Tarenthine to find what theses dreams may mean. Desiding that the dreams have something to do with the powers that remained locked inside of him. Searching for the key that can open them and hopefuly help him to understand if that dream is fact, or fiction.