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Our Fish

This is pictures of our tanks and our fish.

135 Gallon

This is our 135 Gallon Freshwater Tank. It is a community tank. The inhabitants are 2 Angels, 1 Black Ghost Knife, 3 Zipper Loaches, 3 Angelicus Botia, 1 Common Plecostomus, 2 Julii Corydoras, 1 Skunk Corydoras, 1 Punctatus Corydoras, 1 Dragonfish (Violet Goby), 2 Silver Hatchetfish, 2 Pictus Catfish, and 15 - 20 Danios (Gold Long-finned, Zebra, Blue Long-finned, Pearl). We will be adding a bristlenose Plecostomus, and another Angelicus Botia soon. The tank has Fluorite covered by sand for the substrate. There are 3 pieces of Driftwwod in the tank to serve as hiding places and food for the Plecostomus. There are clay pots in the back for hiding places and shade from the light. The plants are Amazon Swords, Banana Plants, and some bulbs that I got from a friend. We will be adding some Microswords soon to spruce the tank up some more.


This pic shows our Danios and the large Angel.

Common Plecostomus

This pic shows our Common Plecostomus resting on a piece of driftwood. (sorry for the quality, we will get a better pic)

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