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Nerdfest 04!

Or Science Olympiad, or for you hard-core nerds out there, SciOly.

Day One: The Odyssey

All (semi-) awake and (kinda) prepared and (definitely not) ready to go.

Brent, mostly dead, with the best blanket and pillow, Ever. He doesn't fit in the seats, though, so he'll later try sleeping in the aisle, until I step on him.

Awwww. A common sight. I fell asleep just THINKING about a bus by the end of the trip. Pavlovian response.

Yes, that's Ryan Lee. Yes he read the YM. Yes, Hell froze over.

We should be studying. We're not. Oooh, Moreno's gonna try to make us feel bad about that later.

The time spying on Prishy and Lauren almost goes too far. Still not studying. At least they're having fun.

Trailer Park, Sweet Trailer Park. The cabins were ours.

Day Two: Civilization! and Chocolate!

Group picture with the walking candy ... but wait, where are Joy and Chris and the cool kids?

Oh, here they are, in line for the underwhelming swing-you-in-circles ride where Chris sang Disney songs the whole time and screamed like a girl.

Boys being boys in the giftshop ... yeah, I dunno.

The Cow. For Mrs. Albert.

Chris waited for everyone to be gone, ran stealthily and hurtled the rope and hugged the cow, all in a futile effort to get more brownie points than Eugenio has. Loser.

Tragedy nearly struck when we lost Jing, and the average IQ on the bus dropped like a rock. For being brilliant, he sure did take a long time to notice he was all by himself. And to notice which bus had us hanging out the windows and yelling.

Day Three: That One Gigantic Mud Puddle We Lovingly Call Juniata

And it's just a short one-hour bus ride away!

Overheard: "I heard it looks like the periodic table from the air and that that's why our teams have names like Gold and Lead and stuff. I'm not quite sure what that means, but it SOUNDS cool." It's the atomic village. The white thigns are tents. We're Gold. And that man did not belong.

Mind-numbingly boring Opening Ceremonies.

Nerds gone Goth! Well, except for the tacky beads. Side note: A little boy came up and flashed us to get beads, and instead got Chris flashing him back because we didn't have any white ones. Sad.

The Seniors. Love them!

Day Four: The Guilt Trip

Haaay, Brent.

Awww. Nerds all tired out.

Formal Nerds. The boys were very very displeased to be herded together for a picture. It interrupted their games of football (Brent), and discussions about nanotechnology and electronics (everyone else)

So then they gave us a striptease, as a way to hog the air conditioning.

Again, One More Time.