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The Claude Willard Johnson
Family Home Page

Left to right:
Front row:
Joseph 'Joe' Marion, James Lee, Horace 'Clinton', Arthur 'Lewis',
Back row:
Mark 'Anthony, Wille 'Ruth', Brenda Joyce, Goldie Payne-Johnson, Janie Marie, Katie Mae, and Gearld Wayne.

"Morus tarden moriens moru cito moritum."
"The family members, like the leaves of the Mulberry tree, shall perish, but the tree shall live forever..."

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Claude & Goldie Payne-Johnson
Willie 'Ruth' Johnson-Kilgore & Family Home Page
James Lee Johnson & Family Home Page
Janie Marie Johnson- Crouch & Family Home Page
Joseph 'Joe' Marion Johnson & Family Home Page
Aurthur 'Lewis' Johnson & Family Home Page
Horace 'Clinton' Johnson & Family Home Page
Brenda Joyce Johnson-Moon & Family Home Page
Richard Arnold Johnson Home Page
Katie Mae Johnson-Judge & Family Home Page
Mark 'Anthony' Johnson & Family Home Page
Gerald Wayne Johnson & Family Home Page
Our Family History
Miscellaneous Old Photos
The Johnson Family Reunion Home Page