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I Feel Blessed


I Feel Blessed It Does
A picture of great grandma
hangs on the wall
I can see the beauty
that won great grandpa's heart
Each time I look at the picture
I feel a warmth inside
Because I know who I am
great grandma was a part.

I can close my eyes and
hear great grandma's voice
The way I believe her sweet
voice sound had to be
Those precious moments
she and great grandpa shared
Somehow I believe this gift
she handed down to me.

Some say a picture on a
wall holds it's secrets inside
But when I look at great
grandma's picture I disagree
Her picture speaks to my
heart in a silent kind of way
Because I know some of her
lives deep inside of me.
"I feel blessed it does."

Ralph L. Clark ©

Thank you Ralph for
letting me use your poem!
To see more of
Ralph's poems go to his site.
by clicking on the heart.

May God Bless you!
Thank you for visiting with me!



