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Recreational Broomball is one of our biggest private ice rentals. It's fun and exciting to play.
Not only can you rent the ice for Broomball but you can rent it for hockey games and ice skating parties. Get your buddies together for a friendly game of ice hockey or gather some co-workers together for a late night ice skating party.
We've had different types of events happen here on the ice. We've had Memphis Championship Wrestling's "War on Ice", the singing group Hanson and a wedding just to name a few; call us to work out the details.

oh yeah,brother! mmm bop on down to the rink

The cost: $205.00 an hour. Contact any of our Pro Shop staff members to plan your rental today.

Discounts for multiple-hour bookings (same day event only).

Some images on this page are used with or without permission. These pictures were taken in or from a public domain and are used solely for the purpose of entertainment. Contact the ice rink if you wish to have any image of yourself removed from this site.