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88. Gideon LEWIS I, Sr. (13) (14)(15) was born in 1726 in Hanover, Virginia.(16) (17)(20) Birth date on FamilySource Ancestrial Files listed as about 1730. He died in 1801 in Ashe Co. North Carolina. (7)(13) NOTE: Krantz, FTW lists death date as 1810.

As an adult, he left Pennsylvania and moved to Wilkes County, NC,
becoming one of the first settlers there. The Gideon Lewis family
became prominent citizens of Ashe County, NC
During the census of 1800 only the following children were recorded as
living in Ashe County - Gideon, Jr, James, and Richard. He was married to Nancy OSBORNE before 1765.

89. Nancy OSBORNE(13) (14)(15) was born < 1734 in <Hanover, Virginia>.(21) She died. Children were:

child32 i. Issac LEWIS.
child44 ii. Nathan LEWIS.
child iii. Col. Gideon Lewis Jr.(13) (14)(15) was born in 1765 in Ashe Co. North Carolina. Col Gideon Lewis monument at Ashland. Hi<gh> Army Headquarters was at Creston (now know as the Baker place) <==Taken from notes from Benjamin E Lewis.
Served as Captain of the Ashe County Rifle Company of Ashe Regiment in the 1812 War. He died on 17 Jun 1842 in Ashe Co. North Carolina. He died on 30 Jun 1842. (16)(17) He was buried in Creston, NC.(16) (17) COL. GIDEON LEWIS
The reason he was known as Colonel Gideon was because he was captain of an army in the war of 1812. He was probably born around the year 1765. He trained an army of soldiers in the river bottom near Cleve Johnsons, and started to New Orleans to fight the British when he heard the war had closed, and he returned.

Col. Gideon Lewis was married twice. He was the father of sixteen children, twelve boys and four girls. The boys names were: Gideon, William (Billy), James, Jackson, Wilburn, Soloman, Isaac, John, Jess, Nathan, Lawson & George.

Col. Gideon Lewis died where Ham Lewis now lives and is buried in the over grown cemetery on the Johnson farm. He died June 16, 1842.

Col. Gideon's bother, Isaac, had a son Gideon. This Gideon was the father of Rock Creek Jake, Frank, Robert, Leander and Henderson Lewis.

No Fingered Jake Lewis was a brother to Rock Creek Gideon. His sons were Enoch, David, Marion, Elbert, Preston, John, Isaac and Frank. His daughters were Mary, Dicie, and Laura.

This is a brief history of Gideon Lewis as taken from the personal notes of Bertha Lewis Mahala.

Sometime about the beginning of the eighteenth century, a Lewis man came across the Blue Ridge Mountains into Ashe County. It is known that he brought four sons to settle this country. They were the first white men to settle in this part of the country. They settled most all the upper part of Ashe County. It is said there couldn't be an old land grant found, but what had Colonel Lewis' name on it. He helped survey the state line between NC and TN.

The names of these four Lewis brothers were Col. Gideon, Isaac, Nathan, and Hiram. Nathan died June 8, 1830.

Colonel Gideon learned to understand the Indians and made contracts with them about their furs.

He owned all the sutherland land, and from where Dr. Robinson lived to above Ham Lewis' place.

He was a great man both in principal and in strength. He was also a great hunter.

Hiram Lewis (a brother to Col. Gideon) lived where E. L. Stuart now lives. Nathan Lewis, (one of Col. Gideon's sons) lived where Roby TIlley now lives. His wife was Hannah Reece. He was the father of eight children, five boys and three girls. The boys names were Calvin, Bill, Jacob, Jackson, and Wiley. Two girls died in the time of war. Elizabeth lived at the old Nathan home place.

The the late Ethel Lewis, wife of Frank Lewis, deceased, is due the credit for the original suggestion for an annual "Lewis Reunion" to be held at Ashland, NC. In collaboration with Bertha Lewis Mahala and her brothers Everett and Eugene plans were sketched in August 1941 for such a reunion. However, due to the illness of Harvey Lewis, father of Bertha, Everett and Eugene, plans were postponed, and not until after the death of the latters' father in September 1941 were the plans completed.

The first reunion was held in October of that year in historic Three Forks Baptist Church, Ashland, NC, with the Rev. Roy Jones preaching. Subsequent reunions were held annually until the out-break of World War II when they were suspended.

The organization has been under the leadership of a number of presidents, namely: Verner Lewis, Squire Graybeal, Millard Lewis, Clarence Lewis and Dan Lewis, serving for varying periods of time. The current president is Carson Lewis, son of Ethel and Frank Lewis, elected 1965.

In addition to the Rev. Roy Jones who gave the first message (1941) the following have been the stated speakers on the annual occasion: Squire Graybeal, Emory Lewis, Verner Lewis, Paul Lewis, Harold Eastridge, Dan Lewis, Warner Lewis, and Lester Brown.

Under the presidency of Verner Lewis in 1957 a granite monument was erected and paid for to the memory of Col. Gideon Lewis, pioneer and early white settler of Ashe County. (As a matter of record he is credited with having signed all the original land grants of the territory that now comprises Watauga, Wilkes and Ashe counties. His activity and part in the war crises of that period won for him the rank of Colonel.)

The project of securing and erecting the monument was financed by donations from friends and relative: and under the leadership of a committee consisting of Dan Mullis, Millard Lewis, Ed Mahala, Everett Lewis, Clyde Lewis, Carroll Nelson, and Carol Hartsoe the shaft was erected that year at the grave of the early settler, long deceased, on a hillside overlooking the valley where he had trained army recruits for the American Revolution. The message at the unveiling was delivered by Warner Lewis on the subject: "The Debt We Owe Our Forefathers." The text was Psalm 137:5, "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem." Taps were blown by Carl Eastridge, thus concluding the reunion of that year.

One of the striking features of the annual gathering is the portrayal of a "Family Tree" drawn by Bertha Lewis Mahala and prominently displayed at each reunion. This has called for many hours of work and much research. The Family Tree is a high-light of each meeting. In addition to this valuable contribution Bertha has also served as secretary of the organization for years.

The above is reprinted from the 1966 Lewis Reunion program. [Krantz.FTW]

Known as "Colonel".
child iv. George Lewis(13) (14)(15) was born about 1769 in North Carolina. He died (Unknown).
child v. Hirum Lewis(13) (14)(15) was born about 1771 in North Carolina. He died (Unknown).
child vi. James Lewis(13) (14)(15) was born about 1775 in North Carolina. He died (Unknown).
child vii. Richard Lewis(13) (14)(15) was born about 1777 in North Carolina ?. He died (Unknown).
child viii. Jane Lewis(13) (14)(15) was born about 1784 in North Carolina. She died (Unknown).

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